Again today the question has arisen of how to adjust our G2G posts when the font types, size, etc. don't come out the way we had hoped. (Here; see comments on the question.)
There is a "Tx" option in the formatting choices, but many G2Gers may not know what it means. When it is hovered over, the displayed description is "Remove Format." I wonder if that could be made a default, or at least more clearly presented to people as they compose their posts.
This might be a helpful change - if it is possible to implement it -as I have seen even very experienced Wikitreers/g2g users completely flummoxed when their post has varied font sizes, and other formatting, because they copied and pasted directly from something not a text document. (I use notepad to remove formatting from anything I wish to paste -- when I remember to. Otherwise I have to remember to use the Tx option, so to not blind the reader.)
Thanks, Jamie. I imagine that tip will be useful for most users.
After a little experimentation, I've learned that for a Mac it is option + shift + command + v.