Is there a way to arrange photos on a profile in a particular order?

+4 votes
ie. When you upload photos to a profile page, and you realize the 3rd one should have logically been the 2nd one, is there a way to switch image 2 and image 3?
in Genealogy Help by Living Spence G2G1 (1.4k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
As far as I know you cannot easily change the image order. You could however change it by first unlinking the photo's and then link them again in the correct order.
by Daniƫl Bouman G2G6 Mach 1 (15.2k points)
As usual, Daniel is right. Though I'm not sure unlinking and then linking would work, since the default order is upload date. You'd actually have to unlink the image and then upload another copy. (The first image will automatically be deleted from our system after two weeks of being unlinked.)

FWIW, you can resort _your view_ of the image order at any time. But when you or someone else comes back to the profile the default is always upload date.

We thought about enabling users to set the order manually, but that would be a bit complicated because of the way we allow images to be linked to multiple people.

I suppose it would be relatively easy to change the default sort order. We could have the default be date or popularity.
Didn't I read that the photos would move based on votes?  Couln't I use that to manipulate it?   Of course of someone else comes along but it might be a work around.

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