How do I separate the profiles of two related people who have the same name?

+6 votes
Help! I just realized that two of my ancestors that have the same name are somehow not recognized separately on WikiTree, so when I made a change (adding birth and death dates), the change appeared in one profile but also of the grandfather of the same name, which obviously causes a problem. How do I separate these two so they're recoginzed as two different people (with two separate birth and death dates)?
in Genealogy Help by Robin Whiting G2G1 (1.5k points)
After checking your tree I already see the problem: both Salomon Rubin profiles are indeed the same profile (Rubin-114). I will see if I can think of an easy solution :)

The solution was indeed easy: removing the father (which was his son) of Rubin-114 removed the loop.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
You can just the Suffux field if this appropriate. Use Jr. Sr. or Roman numerals.

Other then that it's just beeing carefull.

My father, grandfather and 4 more generatiins allhave the same name. I used numerals.
by Martyn Grifhorst G2G6 Mach 2 (25.2k points)
selected by Deborah Mayes
+6 votes
Hi Robin,

If the information change is in both profiles then it can only be the same profile (the url in the address bar should be identical for both persons). Possibly you have accidentaly made the grandfather his own father.
by Daniël Bouman G2G6 Mach 1 (15.1k points)
Seems like there should be at least some level of validation to prevent people from creating circular relationships in the profiles. I'd love to see some other validations too, i.e. mother has to be between 14 and 45 years old at time of birth.
Agreed re basic validation.
There is a tool being worked on that may assist with this (see reference below) but validation built into WikiTree itself would be great!

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