My records also show that Becca was Joseph F. Nally's mother:
Bailey Middleton Nalley — bn in Cobb County, Georgia ca 1845. He was known as Balis and nicknamed 'Dick.' He served with the Company F. 1st Ga. Vol. Cav. Confederate Army and later joined with the Union forces Co. K. Tenn. Vol. Cav. He moved into Illinois sometime after the War Between the States. He was listed in the 1880 census for Illinois as being head of household, age 36, born in Ga. Listed with him is his wife Becca Nalley and children: Sarah Nalley, Joseph Nalley, Ellen Nalley, Manda Nalley and Benson Nalley, his father.
No further information found for this family - can't be sure that Becca was Cherokee
I found a tennessee marriage
Perhaps Becca was Rebecca Robinson