What do I do with a suggested merge with I can't compare data because the unlisted gives no information?

+4 votes


Comparing Dempsey-308 (L) and Dempsey-138 (R)

where 138 info is unlisted?

in Genealogy Help by Marion Walter G2G Crew (860 points)
edited by Liander Lavoie
Great question; no information about profile manager is listed at all. Seems like this requires admin (or supervisor?) assistance to answer.

If it just appears as a suggested match, just ignore it. There's no way to tell if it is a match or not. 

I changed the privacy level on Dempsey-138 to public. If you get a proposed merge and can't see one of the profiles like this, just let one of the sysops know and we can look and see if the profile should be public, as it should in this case.

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
Lianne answered this, but I'm writing it as an answer so the question won't appear unanswered ...

You need to let a sysop know: info@wikitree.com.

In this particular case, there's no reason the profile should have been Unlisted.

Usually, an Unlisted profile is for a living child. So, it would usually be a fairly safe assumption that it's not a match. Like Tom said, you could just reject the match.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Keith Baker

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