Looking for AYERS based in Philadelphia moved to IL with an apprentice STITES

+7 votes
I'm looking for a man with the last name of AYERS (no first name) who was bassed out of Philadelphia in the mid-1800's (not sure of the time frame, thought) who moved to Illinois (not sure of when, maybe 1840 and not sure where, but possibly Pike County or close by).

He had an apprentice when he was in Philly by the name of Joseph Stites.  Joseph was my great great grandfather who was born in 1825 or there abouts possibly in Cape May, New Jersey.  I don't know what year he was made an apprentice or for what, but his older brother by the name of John Stites was the one who apprenticed him out with the condition that Joseph was not to be taken out of Philly and that he was supposed to be an apprentice until the age of 21.  Despite the fact that Mr. Ayers was not supposed to take him out of the area, he did take him to Illinois, even though Joseph fought it, bringing up what was said in the contract.

I would LOVE to find out what Mr. Ayers' first name was and maybe other information (year he was born, when he moved to IL, any maybe if any, information on Joseph Stites)

Thank you in advance,

Mary Hannah Stites
in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+2 votes
There is a Joseph Stites born 1824 in New Jersey living with aRobert Tailor age 71 from Pa. living in Pike County, Il. There is a Mary Stile age 25 born Pa. also in the household. I think it is worth a look.
by Living Wilcox G2G6 Mach 2 (21.3k points)
Thank you so much.  I did find that Census.  They were living with Robert Talior and I think that their neighbor's were McElroy...  I have seen both of those names of being some kind of relation to Joseph's wife, Mary Jane Shaw.  Although I don't know how.    Joseph and Mary were married in 1845.  Mary was born ABT 1825 in PA (although I don't know where) to Robert and Mary Shaw (again, I don't know whwre or anything about them, including if they had other children).

I have found the Censuses fro 1860 and 1870 as well.  They were in Pike County in 1860 and in 1870, they were in Rosemound, IL.

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