This story was posted on Ancestry which may give you some clues:
I have Jacob W. King, Physician, born 22 Jan. 1808 in Newberry Dist, SC, died 13 Mar. 1854. He is buried
at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Bluff Springs, Talladega/Clay Co., AL. In the
1850 census it lists his age as being born in 1816 but on the cemetery
survey it list him being born in 1808. I have not been able to find any
more information on this family. He apparently moved to Alabama abt. 1845
from SC. I have his wife as Sarah A., 28, SC. Also, living with him was
John Roberson, 22, SC, Andrew Bishop, 19, SC and Mary Baty, 14, SC.
Living near him was another person named Jacob King, age 44, Physician,
b. SC and wife, Martha A., 40, SC and Pennington King, 50, SC. I have seen
a lot of postings in the King GenForum on the name "Pennington". These
two Jacob Kings were probably cousins from Newberry Dist., SC. Have you
done any research in Newberry Dist., SC for your Andrew Bishop? I'll bet
you will find his parents in Newberry Dist., SC.
I think that my Sarah King and Samuel King are going to be related to these
Kings because they lived near them in Talladega Co.