I've entered my mother on the site. She has had her DNA tested. How do I enter that? Thank you.

+5 votes
WikiTree profile: Virginia Gardner
in WikiTree Help by Virginia Gardner G2G Crew (740 points)
You cannot enter DNA for a living person other than yourself https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:DNA_FAQ#Can_you_enter_a_test_for_someone_else.3F

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer


Kristina is correct that you cannot enter the DNA test information for your mother, or any living person other than yourself.

You can still record the DNA match between you and your mother on your Profile.  I did this for the match between me and my father, so you can look at my Profile to see how I cited the DNA match as a source.

Help - DNA Confirmation 

Help - DNA Ancestor Confirmation Aid

by Jane Wilkinson G2G6 Mach 1 (15.9k points)
selected by Kathy Durham
You could also use the DNA Confirmation Citation Maker, here: https://apps.wikitree.com/apps/clarke11007/DNAconf.php   

to create an appropriate statement.
WOW!  I just made my first citations with the WikiTree Sourcer app, now this! <does happy dance>
+5 votes
You can help your mother to join Wiki and enter the info on her page. You can set her up an e-mail. Proton is a free secure email site. Think once she is set up you can admin her page.
by Sherry Holston G2G6 Mach 2 (24.4k points)

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