I don't know if this is what you are looking for. Hope it helps,
Ella Ward
event: Census
event year: 1940
event place: Magisterial District 2, Johnson, Kentucky, United States
gender: Female
age: 18
marital status: Single
race (original):
race (standardized): White
relationship to head of household (original):
relationship to head of household (standardized): Daughter
birthplace: Kentucky
estimated birth year: 1922
residence in 1935: Same House
enumeration district number: 58-7
family number: 289
sheet number and letter: 18B
line number: 64
nara publication number: T627
nara roll number: 1322
digital folder number: 005460782
image number: 00654
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Marvin Ward M 41 Kentucky
wife Mollie Ward F 37 Kentucky
daughter Mary Ruth Ward F 20 Kentucky
daughter Ella Ward F 18 Kentucky
son Delbert Ward M 15 Kentucky
daughter Betty Jane Ward F 2 Same House
brother-in-law Otis Sparks M 19 Kentucky