Plain and simple, Wikitree is truth, perhaps the best source to research genealogy, with many others ready assist, prove and disprove profiles. No other place offers what wiki tree have proven to me, to be, the cream of the crop, and it is free in the sense others are there to assist your search for the past. Old newspapers are the key to breaking my brick walls, using WikiTree dynamics improves the records. Exception for Canada and foreign entities, as we move into the 2030's, am sure major breakthroughs will break down more walls. My one brick wall remains, Alexander Stone, dead 1893, lived about 81 years, a tinsmith, Universalists in religion buried in St Lawrence County, soldier in Civil War, fought at Battle for Richmond, his son Alexander, wounded at Harpers Ferry, lived 93 years, Bounty paid to St Lawrence County for Father and son. Recording family history at WikiTree makes me more thankful, for when my search time ends, someone is there to continue. Perhaps my great grandson, or other great grandchildren that may be born, they will find truth at WIKITREE.