Feature request: When detaching a spouse, provide option to delete as parent

+7 votes
I just learned that I mis-identified the spouse of Henry Foster Jones. She was therefore also not the mother of his children.

When I remove her as spouse from his record, IF there are children, seems to me that the system should ask me "remove her as mother of the following children?"

As it stands, I now have to detach her from each child.
in Genealogy Help by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (976k points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
Best answer
I know it is tedious at best deleteing children one at a time.  I like the system because most times you only have one or two.  To mass delete would be a lot of work reinputting.  Listing the children with a check box to remove them from a person would be nice.  In the case of more than one marriage where the children are misrepresented under one spouse but belong to the other the question could be asked do they belong to the other spouse.
by Living Butchino G2G6 Mach 4 (46.4k points)
selected by Maggie N.
I like the checkbox ideas rather than a mass delete myself .
Clarification, I am not suggesting the deletion of any record, or anything that would require re-inputting. I am talking about detaching an incorrect mother from a family.

Right now, when you add a spouse to another spouse that already has children, the system asks: is this spouse the parent of (and lists all the children, with checkboxes by their names).

I am requesting the same feature when *removing* a spouse from a family with existing children.

Mm... maybe we are saying the same thing, but I was thrown by the reference to deleting and re-inputting.

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