Which Distiller or Brewer are you most closely connected to?

+35 votes

This week in the Connection Finder, we're featuring distillers and brewers, starting with Joseph Seagram.

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WikiTree profile: Joseph Seagram
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (789k points)
edited by Abby Glann
Not on the list but my great Grandfather https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Martin-15475

61 Answers

+21 votes

Elijah Craig Godfather of Bourbon process

and JIm WALKER-2526 

are 12th cousins five times removed

by JIm Walker G2G6 Mach 1 (12.9k points)
+17 votes

I am most closely connected to Elijah Craig at 17 degrees of separation.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
+18 votes
Most closely connected to Elijah Craig at 12 degrees (his great-niece married my 6th great-uncle, apparently).
by C Handy G2G6 Pilot (219k points)
+18 votes
For a guy who grew up almost within smelling distance of a couple of Bourbon distilleries, I'm poorly connected this time.

Elijah Craig is the closest, a 16 degree connection and a 9th cousin 6 times removed.  Busch is 17 degrees, but most are much further away.
by Steve Ryan G2G6 Mach 8 (89.8k points)
+18 votes
I am most closely connected to Elijah Craig at 19 degrees. His 5th cousin 3 times removed was married to my great great aunt.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (284k points)
+16 votes
14 degrees from Elijah Craig (6th cousins, 9x removed)
20 degrees from James Beam
20 degrees from Frederick Pabst
20 degrees from Joseph Seagram
22 degrees from Adolphus Busch
22 degrees from Charles Tanqueray
24 degrees from Susannah Oland
24 degrees from Lars Olsson Smith
26 degrees from Gerard Adriaan Heineken
29 degrees from Antoine-Joseph Santerre
32 degrees from Nearest Green
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (155k points)
+17 votes
No familial connection to any of them. Of the distillers category, a familial connection to only five and they are all so far back it would take ages to verify the connections.
by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (498k points)
+18 votes

Elijah Craig - 16th cousins 7 times removed

18 degrees from Joseph Seagram

18 degrees from Susannah Oland (was 20)

From the Distillers category, John Smith Macklem and I are 7th cousins 3x removed.

Update: Jim Beam - 21st cousins five times removed

Update: Elijah Craig now 13th cousins 6 times removed

by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
edited by Aaron Gullison
+16 votes
14 degrees from Elijah Craig and 15 degrees from Charles Tanqueray.
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+15 votes
13 degrees from Elijah Craig. 10th cousin 6 times removed. MRCA Alice (Cox) Poyntz (abt 1434 - aft 1507),

19 degrees from James Beam.

21 degrees from Adolphus Busch.

21 degrees from Susannah Oland.

21 degrees from Frederick Pabst.

22 degrees from Charles Tanqueray.

23 degrees from Gerard Adriaan Henekin.

23 degrees from Joseph Seagram.

29 degrees from Nearest Green.

29 degrees from Lars Olsson Smith.

31 degrees from Antoine-Joseph Santerre.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
+16 votes
11 degrees from Elijah Craig!
by J. Mancha G2G6 (7.6k points)
+16 votes

I'm most closely related to Elijah Craig by 26 generations.  I'm 33 generations away from Joseph Washington Dant, whose 4th great-grandson was a former co-worker. 

by Valerie Craft G2G6 (6.9k points)
+16 votes
  • Seagram - 22 degrees
  • Beam - 22 degrees
  • Busch - 23 degrees
  • Craig - 6th cousin 10x removed, 16 degrees
  • Green - 34 degrees
  • Heineken - 27 degrees
  • Oland - 25 degrees
  • Pabst - 21 degrees
  • Santerre - 31 degrees
  • Smith - 28 degrees
  • Tanqueray - 23 degrees
by Jennifer Fulk G2G6 Mach 6 (64.9k points)
+17 votes
It seems like most people answering, I am closest to Elijah Craig- this was a fun one from me as a bartender- we are 14 degrees separated but on the relationship finder we are 10th cousins 10x removed.
by Becky Simmons G2G6 Mach 3 (30.3k points)
+17 votes
Elijah Craig is the granduncle of the wife of my 2nd cousin 8x removed. He is also my 12th cousin 8x removed.
by Sean Armstrong G2G4 (4.4k points)
+16 votes
Elijah Craig and I are 17 degrees at 8th cousins 8 times removed.  I am more closely connected to Joseph Seagram at 13 degrees, but only through marriage.
by Nina Pyne G2G5 (5.5k points)
+16 votes

It funny but I hit a distiller back in Revolutionary Times. Story goes Alexander Schaeffer built distillery that provided drink at Valley Forge for  Washington Troops. The distillery remains still stand to this day it takes up about half a room so it wasn’t a small home distillery. One link below has the remains as I saw them on visit to homestead. 





by Billie Keaffaber G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)
+16 votes
Hey, how about Marvin Popcorn [Sutton-11500]


This is the Last Dam Run of Likker I'll Ever Make | full movie

6.5 million views


Best! Richard J., Amherst County, Virginia
by Richard J G2G6 Mach 1 (10.3k points)
+17 votes

Seems shameful none of the list are Scottish or Irish famous Whisky Distillers of the original twelve major Scottish distillers (and there must be many more) and one Irish, only John (Johnnie) Walker is listed in the WT Scottish Distillers Category.

Together with the English Gin and Rum, French Brandy Distillers and all the European Brewers of Beers etc., etc., sad

by Malc Rowlands G2G6 Mach 5 (50.1k points)
Yes, so many famous names like Guinness, Usher, McEwan, Younger, etc etc not to mention the Dudgeon, Hunter, families etc.

One of my favourites is the old Fowlers brewery in Prestonpans. Exactly when Robert Fowler began brewing is only ever mentioned in passing – but 1745 is consistently given as the year. Fowlers's Wee Heavy is still a firm favourite of mine

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