Should we remove/archive the questions more than 3 mths old requesting an invitation to join WikiTree?

+4 votes
There are many responded to questions more than 3 mths old requesting invitations to join WikiTree which, if removed, would make it easier to view the questions relating to genealogy.
in Genealogy Help by Kevin Sands G2G6 Mach 3 (32.8k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
If they haven't activated in 3 months they are probably not going to do so.
by Living Wilcox G2G6 Mach 2 (21.4k points)
0 votes
Hi Kevin,

I hate deleting anything. One of the disadvantages: G2G contributors who answered these questions would notice their point scores going down. They got points for answering questions, when the questions are deleted their points for answering the questions would be deleted.

That said, deleting some here and there wouldn't hurt much.

Another thing we (Supervisors) can do: remove any surname tags from them. They shouldn't be tagged with surnames anyway. This would be the main thing they'd be crowding, I assume -- questions organized by surname.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
What points?
0 votes
Why don't we pick a time frame.  If a question is not answered in that period it could be placed in a dead file.  They would not appear in current questions but could be accessed under surname search.   This would cut down on the number we sift through.  I have been answering those that had insufficient data with:  We would like to assist in your search but we need more information.  Approx dates the person lived or where.  Spouse's name and any other information you may have.  Also I have noted some that may have been a previous answered.  They should link up with the original question.  I'm new so I may have missed a path to the original question.  If there is a path could someone direct me.
by Living Butchino G2G6 Mach 4 (46.4k points)

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