Is there a way to indicate domestic partner and not married?

+5 votes
in Genealogy Help by Living Spence G2G1 (1.4k points)
a further thought on this:
What happens if this pairing had children? Where and how would you enter them?

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Click "edit" tab on right side is edit marriage. Pop up allows you not to display if you wish by checking box.

Option leave as married then explain in profile notes "Not Married"

Option hide marriage event then explain in profile notes:

Option names and relationship displayed with links to appropriate profiles.

[[John-1|John]] and [[Mary-1|Mary]] had the following children...
by Living Lechner G2G6 Mach 7 (70.7k points)
selected by Living Spence
Thanks Michael for the help.
I am opting to not link them by marriage, but to identify the domestic partnership in the bio section including a link to the partner. Any children will be under each partner but they won't show as married (see Lianne' suggestion).
+5 votes
About the children part: Parents can be added to a profile without the parents being married. Just add each parent to the child's profile, as you normally would, and the children will show up on both parents' profiles.

Basically the solution for domestic partners is currently to just not link them, and talk about it in the bio, or do link them, and it will say they're married, but you can explain more in the bio.

I, too, wish that you could have "spouse" or "partner" or something instead of just "husband" and "wife". That way my partner and I could actually be linked for real and not just in the biography section. But I don't want it to say wife on my profile. :P

by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (462k points)
Thanks Lianne for the suggestions. I have quite a few cousins who never married but did have children and now I know how to enter their info.
"I, too, wish that you could have "spouse" or "partner" or something instead of just "husband" and "wife". That way my partner and I could actually be linked for real and not just in the biography section. But I don't want it to say wife on my profile. :P"

It's actually a major flaw. It's too much of a common occurrence to simply ignore. It's surprising because WikiTree is usually so precise and specific in every other aspect.

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