There is more than one Henry Geo. Bacon so I'm guessing that the one you are interested in is:
Born: May 6, 1817 in Walton, Somerset, England date & location not verified.
Death: May 7, 1884 in Melrose, South Australia.
Marr. 27 Aug 1840 in holy Trinity Church, Adelaide, Sth .Aus.
Spouse: Ann Bacon (b. Batten) (1817 - 1872)
Child: Mary Ann Smith (b. Bacon) (1844 - 1903)
H.G.B. arrived South Australia on board the ship 'Buffalo' in 1836.
Occupation: labourer, dairy farmer.
Hope this is the right one!
As I found more than 20 'Thomas Rawling' records in the UK more info is needed to pin him down.