Info on AnnaEliza Thomas

+2 votes
I am looking for info on my GGreatgrandmother AnnaEliza Thomas  whose mother was Clara Susan Kennamer  and father was William Carroll Thomas ,I believe but I am not sure.She was born in Madison County,Ala about 1840.Her father was born in Thomas Cove,Ala about 1806 and she was born in Kennamer;s Cove,Ala about 1813.If anyone has any info on them I would appreciate  it.She married  John Webster Baker ll from Madison county,Ala.They had  around 8 or 9 children.My Grandfather was Henry Hasten Baker,Annie Eliza Baker Cummings,Mary Elizabeth Baker Walker,Walter Jackson Baker,just to name a few that I can remember.But they wound up in Texas(MIlam County)

Thank you,

Judy Baker Odom
in Genealogy Help by Judy Baker G2G Crew (370 points)
edited by Judy Baker

1 Answer

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In the 1850 United States Census, Eliza A. E. Thomas is 10 years old in Perry county, Alabama.

In the 1900 United States, Pike, Alabama, Eliza Thomas is 60 years old, her husband, John Thomas, is 71 years old,  and they have two sons, Dennis & Joseph and two daughters, Lelia & Lily.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

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