Greeters Question

+8 votes
What do we do when someone makes a comment in a foreign language while attempting to become a member?

We can't confirm someone even if they leave a lengthy comment if we don't know what they're saying. Yet, since this is a worldwide tree, people of non-English countries need to be a part of it. Can they only be a part of WikiTree if they speak English?

I saw one of these in the Greeter feed and have been puzzling about it since.
in Policy and Style by Debby Black G2G6 Mach 8 (86.4k points)
fyi - the translation to Spanish of a welcome message got an OK by a translator (G2G question: ) and it's now on the page too.


Thanks to Paul, Google Translate has come in really handy. So far both Spanish and French greetings have been used. :o)

Just got through checking out the links. Thanks for the information, Liz. smiley

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer

Try google translate. It should give you the general meaning.

Cut and paste their text into:

Also, Wikitree is slowly gaining members with some other language skills who are willing/able to help.

Some exampes of a start in that direction is:

and a few others.


There is also an attempt to put together a list of useful resources for other countries in the Genealogy Help Category:


by Paul Bech G2G6 Mach 8 (86.7k points)
selected by Chris Whitten
Thank you, Paul. It's so encouraging to know others are working on this and have come up with some solutions. The person who made the comment in a foreign language was in the feed several days ago. I hope someone with your knowledge of ways around the language barrier welcomed him. I think he was already a couple of days into the feed when I saw him, so I'm afraid no one responded to his request.

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