I am doing genealogy for my friends who are related to Henry Griffiths of Madras. He was born in Madras, India but spent his adult life in Cheltenham, England in the clergy. He was born in 1806 in Madras.
There is a listing on the internet of Henry, John and James Griffihs births in Madras India on a listing.
From: Chris Anderson <chrisandsmail@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: St. Mary's Church[ Fort St. George] Madras: Baptisms G & H
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 17:00:08 +1000 (EST)
Hello Listers,
Continuing the Index 1815-1826 of the LDS film that I
am looking at present,
" Church Of England, St Marys Church [Fort St.
George] Madras "
If someone does recognize a name I will look at
the actual baptism for you, as they are on the film.
St.Marys Church of England
Fort St.George
Index to Baptisms 1815-1826
jeanne riecke jmriecke@netzero.net