Who was the proprieter of the "Trail of Tears" transit point called Green's Landing in Cape Girardeau?

+4 votes
in Genealogy Help by Richard Greene G2G Rookie (280 points)

3 Answers

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Bainbridge Ferry Landing. These ferries changed hands frequently and lawsuits were not uncommon as ferry 
operators on both sides of the river competed to transport travelers across the river. 
The earliest ferry known to exist at Bainbridge was established by Medad Randol ca. 1805. Medad Randol was the 
son of Enos Randol who moved to Missouri from Pennsylvania in 1797 and was a prominent farmer in Cape 
Girardeau County. His son, Medad married Deborah Waller, daughter of Joseph Waller, in 1798.2 Joseph Waller 
also operated a ferry in the early 1800s at what became known as Green's Ferry site two miles to the north of 
Medad Randol's ferry at Bainbridge. On November 22, 1808 the Cape Girardeau Court issued a petition allowing a 
road from "Medad Randol's Ferry on the Mississippi River to John Byrd's Place." During the 1810s, Medad 
Randol was also listed as operating a tavern and selling liquors at Bainbridge.4 In 1816, Samuel Penrod was granted 
a license to operate a ferry at the Upper Hamburg Landing in Union County, Mis~ouri.~ This ferry may have 
superseded Randol's Ferry or been in competition with him. In 1820, Medad Randol and three other investors 
platted the town of Bainbridge which was described as containing "a single warehouse for many years. "6 
The actual Bainbridge ferry site on the west bank was owned by Randol until 1826 when he and other investors 
were sued and two tracts containing 160 acres were purchased by Johnson Ramey.' Ranney owned the roperty 1P until 1830 when it was sold to Moses Harris, who in turn sold the property to William L~ttleton in 1832. From 
1821 until 1838, the ferry license for the Upper Hamburg Landing was held by Jacob Littleton who operated a 
"horse ferry" at this location until June of 1838.~ In August of 1838, Jacob Littleton purchased the ferry landing site 
from William Littleton and the ferry license was transferred to James Wilborn.1° Wilborn operated the ferry from 
August of 1838 to September of 1839 when the license was then transferred to Obey Roberts.
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Vincent Piazza
+2 votes
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+1 vote
Joseph Waller Sr was granted a license for a ferry by the Quarter Sessions in 1806.  He sold it and 640 acres of land to Green in 1817 for $400.  The money was used to buy land accross the Mississippi River in Union County of the Illinois Territory.  Both Joseph and his son Joseph are listed in the IL county's original inhabitants.

Green owned the ferry at least through the Trail of Teras.  The road to Jackson, MO from the ferry passes McKendrie Chapel where the Cherokee rested after crossing the river.  It is still known as Green's Ferry Road.

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