Would it be possible to have sources attach to events?

+1 vote
I added a footnote about a wedding to the woman in the wedding. There was no duplicate footnote connected to the husband's profile. Would it be possible to have a schema like:

personA personB marriage.location marriage.date marriage.source

personC deathlocationD death.location deathlocation.date death.source

personD buriallocationE burial.location burial.date burial.source

Presumably, then, you could then find all burials in location E and sort by date and the same for the other examples.

Thank you.
in Genealogy Help by BK McDonald G2G Crew (620 points)
Hello BK,
Have done alot with similar types of situations, can possible help. Often on one spouses profile you might change notes on the children, updates on born married etc.  Found it was easy enough to copy my marriage/family section from one profile to another. Little cumbersome but works.
Second option works great are things like wedding photos, One photo linked to 2 or more persons. With comments appropriate to all those in the photo.
Another option big wedding party, create special page for this event. Might work for setting up something like family cemetery information.

May not be the answer your looking for, but willing to assist If I can, may need an example of a problem. Contact me if you wish. Lechner-18

3 Answers

+2 votes
Hi BK.

Thanks for the ideas. This would mean a number of major structural changes, but they're things to consider. If anyone else has input on this add your thoughts here.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
I have not yet figured out what a free-space profile is, but this idea would seem to incorporate those into the main trees. That is, you might have service in the Civil War. At some level, you could say that personF served with General Lee at locationG on dateH. After a point it would become a nightmare, but perhaps movement in that direction would be beneficial. I think until someone invents something (better/more universal) than GEDCOM, the wiki data should be  compatible. I have no idea what is and is not possible in that regard. Thank you for the response
BK, try creating a free-space profile like this: http://www.wikitree.com/index.php?action=newspace
You might also want to see http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Profiles
I just started here a few days ago so I'm still learning how to do things here. Previously I have worked with Gramps and Ancestry.com so I do miss the concept of having events that are attached to multiple people where sources and narrative can exist in one place without the need for cutting and pasting.

Now, I understand a separate page can be created for large or significant events, but it seems like it would be overkill to do so for every event.

Maybe a solution would be a mechanism where a section in one profile would be tagged with an ID, and it could get "included" in a related profile with a simple reference tag.

Something like...

in John-123

<block id=marriage_to_jane>
=== Marriage ===
John and Jane....

==== Source ====

*entry in parish books...


then in Jane-321

<include John-123/marriage_to_jane>

Which would insert the text from John's profile on the fly when the page is served.
Chris W, I think that an enhancement to the way that WT manages events generally would address BK's request and numerous other issues... please refer to this suggestion for details...
0 votes
Bk, Found the profile page you may have been refering to. An easy suggestion in a section on your page for the marriage event itself ie;

=== Marriage ===

John and Mary where married in Feb in the chapel of  etc. <ref>Letter from Anna dated ____</ref>

Multiple source sections work also

== Sources ==

=== Letter from Anna ===

The actual letter portion or whole entered. Even better a document or letter photo attached. I like what you have done. Entering sources verses I got it from ancestry.com you must pay to see it.

=== Sources ===

by Living Lechner G2G6 Mach 7 (70.6k points)
Most people (us amateurs, myself included) usually put most family events with the husband, all census reports, residences, etc. Unless there is a death then perhaps you would put remaining data census etc with the spouse. Or you could still choose to update one person and copy sections to other as updates changes occur. Hope this helps.
"An easy suggestion i[s] a section on your page for the marriage event itself..." By `your page` you mean either the man's page or the woman's page?
One of the nice features of wikitree is the ability to customize your pages. Not all of my pages are complete and I am sure there are better examples. You might be able to get some ideas from other pages.  A page that contains links to some of my pages.
0 votes
Bk, Just seen a beautiful wiki page, very simple, readable and probably interesting to family members at:


<!--  These arrows allow hidden notes for future reference can be used as well. Just incorporate into your edit field as needed. -->

Other options on the spouses page in source section refer to husbands page for sourcing. Then you only have to enter sources once.
by Living Lechner G2G6 Mach 7 (70.6k points)

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