I was given name Brenda Campbell born 1944, adopted.What family do i belong to?

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in Genealogy Help by
Hi. I hope you have found your birth info, this is a few yrs old. You might also try the census for the area you were born in. Check the Campbell name and look for female entries in an approx age range.  Some of the hospitals kept birth registers. Some were transcribed to LDS.

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If your born in the UK you can apply for you adoption records at http://www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/

(but only you and your birth mother can see them).

You can also add yourself to the contact register link


Sorry not sure how it works in other countries, but I assume it’s much the same.


by Peterson Cobbett G2G6 Mach 2 (22.9k points)
you can do your DNA profile on 23 and me.com for $99 plus shipping (about $15 or so) or on ancestry.com or other DNA websites.

23 and me will give you your health info plus about 1000 "cousins" that you can communicate with and compare their family trees and try to find common surnames. Maybe find closer relatives than cousins.

Some laws have changed where you might be able to get your original birth certificate.

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