I'm interested in finding user-friendly family tree software for a Mac.

+4 votes
I'm interested in finding user-friendly software for a Mac that has good graphics to document my family tree (my parents and their ancestors were from China).  

I saw a review that highly rated Gramps 3.31.  After using it a little bit and generating a couple of reports, I'm not sure it is what I'm looking for (in the user friendly department, or with respect to their graphic reports.  Does anyone have any recommendations?  Is Reunion 9 for Mac or Family Tree Maker 2 (pricey at $99 and $70 respectively) any good?

in Genealogy Help by
I use macfamilytree.  It is affordable and it is easy to use.  I really like it.  If you go to their site you can watch some videos on how it works, I also think you can download a trial of the software.

5 Answers

+4 votes

Hi Alisa,

I do not have a Mac but when I search on Google I find MacFamilyTree  which, by the looks of it, could be user friendly.

by Daniël Bouman G2G6 Mach 1 (15.1k points)
+3 votes
Oh no, you don't like Wikitree? Direct entry? Its ok hope you find something nice. Have a wonderful day.
by Living Lechner G2G6 Mach 7 (70.9k points)
It does not mean that she does not like wikitree (she even mentions the reporting). With the GEDCOM export it is perfectly possible to work in wikitree and to view the export on a standalone pc ;)
Sorry, truly, meant to be funny. Must be tired. Thanks for understanding.  Sincerely Mike
+3 votes
Hi Alisa,

I use Reunion9. I've found it quite acceptable, well intgegrated with the Mac and has most (but not qute all) of the cabibilities of Legacy 7 for Windows.  It's a bit expensive, but compared to an emulator to run Legacy 7 on the Mac, a bargain.
by Joe Sneed G2G Crew (620 points)
+2 votes
I'd like to know why you want this info when I've been told that WikiTree is the genealogy record to use. Why use another program? I need to know this for myself! Thanks. Rob
by Rob Howell G2G Crew (950 points)
+3 votes
I am a belt n braces person so do use another database to satisfy my need in this respect! On my Mac - I use MacFamilyTree costs around £30 and gets updated regularly

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