Tracing Patrick C/Kavanagh father of James C/Kavanagh born 1848.

+2 votes
Patrick is my Great-Great-grandfather.  I do not know whereabouts in Ireland he was born - James (my great-grandfather) was also born in Ireland but emigrated to England - don't know when and lived in Birkenhead, Cheshire.  He married Elizabeth Smith there in 1872 (also born in Ireland) and both their fathers were dead at that time, and they had 7 children. - William was my grandfather.    If anyone has the any of these combinations of names (I know every generation has the same lot of names!!) but would love to find out where both Patrick and James were born.  I know Elizabeth was born approx 1848 in Kings Co.,
in Genealogy Help by

2 Answers

+3 votes
The England and Wales Census for 1871 seems to have some answers here. Census was taken at Prescot, Lancashire.

Patrick Kavanagh 45y, born Leitrim, Ireland

Bridget     "           43y, born Leitrim, Ireland

James      "           23y, born Leitrim, Ireland

Mary        "           19y, b. Prescot, Lancashire

Patrick     "            13y b.Prescot, Lancashire

Ann         "             10  b. Prescot, Lancashire

Peter Hector          40  b. Roscommon, Ireland (he is a visitor)
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+4 votes
You might be interested in contacting the Clan Cavanagh as they have genealogists that have significant info on the Cavanagh/Kavanagh line from Ireland.  Their website has their contact info.  Cecilia Boylen is the clan genealogist in England and she's absolutely a gem in assisting with finding everything and everything.
by anonymous G2G6 (8.3k points)

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