I found this in the 1785-1940 Virginia Marriage Cencus on FamilySearch.org:
spouseT...Ey Clifford Bush
childMabel Clare Bush
groom's nameIra William Petrey
groom's birth date1918
groom's birthplaceGasaway, W. Va
groom's age22
bride's nameMabel Clare Bush
bride's birth date1919
bride's birthplaceHarvey, Iowa
bride's age21
marriage date29 Feb 1940
marriage placeMonterey, Virginia
groom's father's nameWm. Samuel Petrey
groom's mother's nameAllie Mae Bosley
bride's father's nameT...Ey Clifford Bush
bride's mother's nameAddie Megee
groom's marital statusSingle
bride's marital statusSingle
indexing project (batch) numberM86877-0
system originVirginia-EASy
source film number31997
That was the only information I found of a Magee being married to a Bush. Hope this helps you some!