Did U know many Parisiens live in Belcourt, North Dakota (USA)

+1 vote

I'm Parisien..Melanie Parisien was my great Aunt; Rose (Chirooze) Azure was my cousin and married Alphonse Azure and they had about 8 children whom all live in or around Belcourt, ND.  My grandfather was Jerrome Parisien, brother of Melanie, whom married Justine Gladue.  My father, John S. Parisien married my mom Rose McGillis whom together they had 18 children.  While my grandmother McGillis was living, we had six living generations.  Grandma McGillis died in 1987 at the age of 108 and her maiden name was Davis which I believe they reared about Batoche, Roblin, etc.  I am a member of the Turtle Mountain Tribe and located in north central North Dakota.  We are all Me'tis and speak the Mi'chif language comprised of French nouns and pronouns with Cree verbs.  We are all Catholics.  Please make sure Mary Stamper McKague receives this e-mail.  There is a lot of Me'tis history here in our area.  God bless!  My name is Joe Parisien and my e-mail address is c-parisien@excite.com

in Genealogy Help by

Parisein originated in France then settled in Lebret Saskatchewan Cananda. - probably why your dilect has French words within it.

Parisiens is a BIG family, Even down your lineage. I read that Many went to North Dakota many stayed in Sask and some are in BC!

Neat to hear your story!

1 Answer

0 votes
It looks like there are 25 Parisiens living in Belcourt, ND.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
I don't have an exact number, but there has to be around 200 Parisiens in Belcourt, North Dakota, or the Turtle Mountain Reservation.  My Grandfather was John S. Parisien, whose story is told by my Uncle Joe Parisien in this post.  Jerome Parisien was my Great Grandfather, and his brother, David Parisien, has family in this area, also. My email address is sharon.parisien@yahoo.com

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