Looking for Henry Kuhns b. 1798 Northampton Co., PA grandfather

+9 votes
Henry Kuhns, born 1798, Northampton, PA was the son of Leonard Kuhns who was born about 1765 and married Elizabeth Spiker who was born in PA. Henry Kuhns was a tailor in Eastern, PA. He had 7 siblings.

Henry Kuhns married Esther Rough about 1820 in Lehigh Co., PA. They had eight children including my great grandfather, Daniel Koons who was also a tailor. Henry and Esther Kuhns moved their children to Ohio. Henry died in 1886 and is buried at Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Doylestown, OH as is his wife.

I am attempting to trace the Koons, Kuhns line back to Europe and the next incremental step seems to be finding the name of Leonard Kuhns father.

Thank you for any help or insight.

WikiTree profile: Henry Kuhns
in Genealogy Help by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I have my ancestor, Daniel Koons 15 MAR 1755-15 NOV 1825, born in Northumberland Co, PA. He married Agnes Martin (1758-22 SEP 1855) in 1775. Daniel died in Liberty, Centre Co, PA. Agnes supposedly died in Blanchard, Liberty Twp, Centre Co PA., but I am questioning that date (see below). I don't have any ancestors for Daniel Sr.

Daniel Sr and Agnes had Daniel Kunes Jr in 1777. Daniel Jr also supposedly died on 22 SEP 1855 in Blanchard, Liberty Twp. I am wondering if there is a mix-up in the death dates and places, so I will look into that.

Meanwhile, I have Daniel Jr. marrying Hannah Rorabaugh on 06 JAN 1798 in Clinton, Centre, PA (the counties were not distinct then). Her dates are 28 SEP 1776 in Ft. Talahamkin, Northumberland PA. She died on 28 NOV 1839 in Blanchard, Clinton Co, PA. Daniel Jr and Hannah had Jacob, John, Daniel III, Elizabeth, Mary, David, Susanna, Samuel S, Hannah, Christian and Simon.
by Alexandra Florimonte G2G6 Mach 4 (43.5k points)
Leonard Kuhns married Elizabeth Spiker ahd had 8 children including Henry Kuhns. My post above was misleading. My Daniel Koons was the son of Henry and he moved to Northeastern Ohio. He was a tailor and he died in Ohio. I think your Daniel Koons is a different person.

I have lots of information on my Daniel Koons and his parents, Henry and Esther (Ruff) Kuhns. On Henry and Ester's cemetery records the surname spelling was Koons. The spelling changed over time.

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