Dear Barbara - According to the Death Certificate for MRS. MINNIE McNUTT, the cause of death was "lobar pneumonia".
I was able to view the original Death Certificate on - I will transcribe it below:
Lawrence Co., Tennessee, Civil District 109, Village - Lawrenceburg, City - R4
She was female, white, married - her husband is MARTIN L McNUTT
She was born Dec. 23, 1881 in Tennessee
She was age 54 years and 15 days at the time of her death.
Her occupation is "housework".
Her father is TOM MELTON, who was born in Tennessee.
Her mother is SARAH BLACKWELL, who was born in Tennessee.
She was buried in Pleasant Grove on Jan. 9, 1936.
The undertaker is O L North of Ethridge, TN.
The physician states that "I certify that I attended the deceased from Dec. 29, 1935 to January 8, 1936. I last saw her alive on Jan. 8, 1936, death is said to have occured at 8 p.m. on Jan. 8."
The princial cause of death is "lobar pneumonia".
Barbara, I emailed myself a copy of MINNIE's death certificate - if you will contact me and give me your email address, I can send it to you.
I hope this helps you. Sincerely, Melinda P.S. Let me know if you would like for me to find out more about MINNIE.