Want to clear up the Coxes of Pickens Co SC

+2 votes
I am the decandant of John Henry Cox and his son L V Cox of Wahalla SC. I would llike to put some of the major questions of the Cox family of Pickens Co SC. Some of the names I know are related but may not have the total picture is: John Henry Cox, William Thomas Marion Cox, William Garrison Cox. Mary Ann Morgan Cox, Thomas Terpin Cox, Joe Daniel Cox, Mary Agnes Cox Mulligan, Minnie Adair Cox, and many others.
in Genealogy Help by James Hutson G2G Rookie (190 points)
retagged by Liander Lavoie
You didn't include any dates in relation to these individuals, so it's difficult to determine if this lineage might start in 1670 or 1890!  If you could add some dates or approximate dates of b, m,d it would help.  Most census data includes no middle name, sometimes a middle initial, however a WW1 draft registration often does, but that timeframe may be too late.

Do you have the names of any spouses of any of the men?
William Garrison Cox married Mary Ann Morgan He was born in 1819 they died in  1873 and are buried in the Providnece Methodist Church Cem in Anderson SC. their son William Thomas Marion Cox married Agnes Lavina Thomas Cox. One of his sons was John Henry Cox who married Mnnie Adair Cox. they had children Mary Cox married John Preston Mullinax, Warren Alvin Cox who married a Lillie Vickery and Louis Vernon Cox, along with other children. Minnie Adair left John Henry around 1898 and moved with parents Lemuel and Mary Ann Adair to move to Pickens Co GA. John Henry remarried and had several ;more children with Lila Brown Cox. Children by this union were Madge Cox Moss married Wn L Moss, Bertha Cox Roach  Allen, Henry Cox married Lois, Nora Cox and more unlisted. John Henry married several times according to family stories he also used many names such as James Henry, Henry James and just Henry.  Wm Thomas Marion Cox was born 1850 son John Henry around 1872 married Minne Adair around 1890.  Someone will be able to help me with these people. Brothers of Wm Thomas Marion are Thomas Terpin Cox, James Daniel Cox and others, Hope this helps with info for others to provide more info. jhh

2 Answers

+1 vote

 I, too, am interested in these families because my Willis Barton has similar DNA to some men with the Cox surname.  Willis was in Pendleton District until between 1820 and 1830 when he moved to Hall Co., GA. Have any of the Pickens County Cox descendants had a yDNA test?

In 1800 Pendleton District (Pickens Co., SC was carved from Pendleton), there were a number of Cox families.

C200 COX          William       M-032 050   20 <-- pg number
C200 COX          Edward        M-032 050   20     
C200 COX          Susannah      M-032 050   20  
C000 COX          Elizabeth     M-032 050   26  
C200 COX          John          M-032 050   26  
C000 COXE         William       M-032 050   32  
C200 COX          Henry         M-032 050   31  
C000 COXE         George        M-032 050   33  
B635 BARTON       Joseph, j     M-032 050   34  
C200 COX          Phillip       M-032 050   35  

B635 BARTON       Moses         M-032 050   35  [son]
B635 BARTON       James         M-032 050   35  [son]
B635 BARTON       James         M-032 050   39  [father]
C200 COX          William       M-032 050   42  
C200 COX          James         M-032 050   47  

C200 COX          John          M-032 050   47  
C200 COX          Mary          M-032 050   47  


Moses and his brother, James, were listed on page 35 along with Phillip Cox.  One of these 4 Barton men should be the father of my Willis Barton, but he doesn't match the DNA of any of the Pendleton/Greenville, SC Bartons, yet his DNA is very close to members of the Cox family who took this test. I don't know where they are from. It could be Pennsylvania for all I know.

I haven't researched the Cox families of Pendleton, but would be interested in learning more about them.

Joseph and Indiana Rebecca Barton's son, David, married Elizabeth Cox.

Pages 411 - 413: Baveaster Barton for £10 Sterling sold to John Cox 40 acres bordered by Thomas Turner, John Simpson, and the said Barton, granted William Lesley. Dated: 21 mar 1803.

Witness: Edward Cox, John Hall


by Debby Black G2G6 Mach 8 (86.8k points)
edited by Debby Black
+1 vote
Here is a collection of information on Cox family members, many of which are from Pendleton District, SC. http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Possible_Relatives_of_Willis_Barton
by Debby Black G2G6 Mach 8 (86.8k points)

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