merge request in timely manner.

+1 vote
If a request has been submitted for a merge, does wikitree not send this in the other managers weekly email and what if said party does not log onto wikitree, is there any way they can be merged and or how long should/could the time from request to merge or reject be..
in Genealogy Help by Bryan Stearns G2G Crew (460 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
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Following is a quote from the page:

"If a user cannot be contacted and has not made any WikiTree contributions for six months please contact us at info@. We will try to contact the user ourselves."

It also says they will "orphan" public profiles, but private profiles will have to be deleted if there's no one else on the Trusted List. WikiTree is very serious about maintaining privacy.

The following page gives lots of good information on merging, but near the very bottom of the page it explains the procedure to use if a manager won't merge.
by Debby Black G2G6 Mach 8 (86.4k points)
selected by Liander Lavoie

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