While searching to web for information about Lydia Shuttleworth (Shuttleworth-6) I discovered wikitree. The profile was abandoned and after joining I adopted it and began adding people to whom she and I were related.
The profile I inherited provided a birth date of 1680 with no certainty level designated.
Lydia appears in many online family trees with different birth years: 1676, 1680, and 1682.
1658-1758 Charles County MD Families "The first 100 years" indicates Before 1682 and several web sites have taken that as 1682. Many sites indicate 1680.
The only reference to any documentation for a birth date is a marriage record provided by ancestry.com 1676, a year that is found on some web sites.
(Source Citation: Source number: 71.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: JW2.)
Should I just leave the date that I found on the profile (and indicate about/uncertain) or shoud I consider changing it to 1676 on the basis of the marriage record provided by ancestry.com?