Any parker or jones cousins here?

+2 votes
Looking for descendants of clarence columbus parker or verna maude grandparents on my dad's side.thank you
in Genealogy Help by Brenda Parker G2G Crew (310 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Can you say what state they were born in and what year, also marriage location and year?
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Hi clarence c. parker Born jan.12 1893 bonham texas married verna maude jones may 13 1919 died oct.1963 white settlement texas clarence's mom josie walker .her father "red" built very first hotel in ada oklahoma. Does this help?
Clarence and Verna (Jones) Parker had a son, Alfred who died 19 Aug 1967 at Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX at the age of 29. He was born on 16 Dec. 1937 and was single at the time of his death. He was a laborer. Burial was 22 Aug 1967 at Laurel Land, Fort Worth, TX.

Fannie Irene Parker died 11 Jan 1919 at Italy, Ellis, TX. She was born 31 Jan 1917, and is the daughter of C.C.Parker and Verna Jones.

Clarence Columbus Parker's parents were Ace Parker and Josie Walker.

My Jones line came over very early from England and settled in MA. My Parkers are not direct ancestors, but early distant cousins, who lived in New England.
0 votes
I am a direct descendant of Clarence Columbus Parker or CC as he was known by my father. He is my Great Grandfather. My Granpa Jasper Parker "J.W." was his son. My dad is J.W. Jr. and the generations continue right on down to me and my two sons who both have taken family names. Asa Aaron Parker was Clarences dad my Great, Great Grandad. I have a little more info. and documents.
My husband is a great grandson of cc parker. His nanny's name is hazel parker welborn. She is still alive and is a daughter of cc and verna. She was born in 1934 and lives in fort Worth

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