Does anyone have proof that hs name was Abram? I have his Civil War pension papers and it only shows his nae as Jim.

+4 votes
WikiTree profile: James Turner
in Genealogy Help by
I have a James A. "Jim Turner in my line.  His descendants told me that his name was James Abram Turner.  This line has had DNA testing through Family Tree Turner Surname DNA.  We matched in DNA.  James Abraham was a brother to my descendant William T. R. Turner also born in SC.  James A. Turner was also known as "Big Jim."

3 Answers

+4 votes
I have a great-great Grandfather whose name was Abram Turner but he was born in Newfoundland, Canada.  He too was born in the early 1800's. His ancestors were called Thomas, Abraham,  & John repeatedly.  I am thinking his father was Abraham and when we look back through the wills there is a problem with Abram and Abraham.

I do have wills dating back to the 1900's.   I think the family came from the Dorset area in England.  Does this help you?  We also have lots of Mary's, Rebecca's, Martha's and Elizabeth's.
+4 votes
The problem with research in England before 1750,there will be several people

with same name,so we would need firm dates,Parish,Village and county they lived

in.Open guesses are useless.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+2 votes
Abram Winick Coddington served in the Civil War for less than six months. He was discharged due to dysentery, without seeing action. Somehow the name Henry has been added to his name, but Henry was his son and grandson, not Abram. His middle name Winick may have been his mother's maiden name.
by anonymous G2G Crew (650 points)
edited by anonymous

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