Not seen for 40 years Joseph Francis Murray born 22 January 1928

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This is a long shot BUT I found a JOSEPH F MURRAY on the Social Security Death Index - date of birth is Jan. 21, 1928 - date of death is May 21, 2011.  His Social Security card was issued in Louisiana, and the place of his last residence is Pearland, Brazoria, Texas.

On I found an obituary for this JOSEPH F MURRAY - I will transcribe it below:

FRIENDSHIP, TEXAS - JOSEPH FRANK MURRAY, JR., age 83, died Saturday May 21, 2011 in the Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston.  He is survived by his life long companion, the late RUTH J ANGELO, and is survived by her 2 children, EDDIE ANGELO and JOY ANGELO BUSCH.  Friends will be received May 28 from 8 - 11 a.m. at the Funeral Home Chapel Service at Harry McNeely & Son, in Hammond.  Interment will follow at the Parklawn Memorial Gardens, Hammond.

I thought there may be a chance that this is your JOSEPH FRANCIS MURRAY - "FRANK" is often a nickname for "FRANCIS" and the birth date is only off by 1 day.

Since this JOSEPH F MURRAY's social security number was issued in Louisiana, I looked on the 1940 Census - I found a "MURRAY" family living at 2320 N. Derbigny in New Orleans, Lousiana.  The head of the household is JOSEPH F MURRAY, SR., age 43; his wife is JULIA MURRAY, age 39; and their son is JOSEPH F MURRAY, age 12.

I hope this is the JOSEPH FRANCIS MURRAY you are looking for!

Sincerely, Melinda
by Melinda A G2G6 Mach 1 (17.0k points)
My Dad is also looking for his big brother Joseph Francis Murray dob 22/1/1928, son of Francis & Georgina from Yeppoon Qld, eldest brother of Ethel, Francis (decd) & George (Bill/Dad).  We have posted on Facebook Reconnect.FREE with a couple of possibilities but if alive he would be 87 and we are running out of time.   Dad would like to know how Joe lived his life.  Joe married Eunice Speechley from Brisbane in Sydney on 19 Feb 1949, they returned to Yeppoon and had 6 children, Joe left Yeppoon with another woman in the 60s and Eunice passed away 12 July 1971.  Dad believes Joe would have driven trucks for a living.  Please correct me on any of this info and add anything you may have.
We believe we have found him deceased from pancreatic cancer in 1994. At least 3 further children have emerged. Changed his surname to Doble  which made our job difficult. The family have filled in so many blanks. Thank you

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