Team Missouri January 2023 Connect-a-thon chat [closed]

+14 votes
Where's my "Show me" state folks at?!

Thank you for volunteering to help and for joining our team. This post will create a thread where we can work together to coordinate our efforts. This is the place for the team to ask questions, give advice, see updates, and cheer each other on.

As a reminder, these are the states we cover: Missouri (of course!), Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Of course, if your connections lead you elsewhere, you can certainly follow that trail!
WikiTree profile: Space:Team_Missouri
closed with the note: Event over
in The Tree House by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
closed by Lori Zukerman

7 Answers

+12 votes
I am here and have registered. Looking forward to the event!
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (476k points)
+11 votes
Hi Lori, signed up and getting ready! Trish, adopted born Loretta
by Loretta Morrison G2G6 Pilot (189k points)
+11 votes
Bart is signed up!  I will do my slow & steady best!

Go Team MO!
by Bartley McRorie G2G6 Pilot (194k points)
+10 votes
Great to have all of you back for this one! I'm looking forward to it as well.
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
+10 votes
Just checking in with y'all. Everybody ready for tomorrow?? I'll be adding in my boyfriend's tree and hopefully making connections along the way.
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
+12 votes
Looking forward to my first "thon"! Go Team Mo!
by Jody Green G2G6 Mach 2 (21.9k points)
You picked the perfect one to start with!
Welcome (16th) cousin Jody!  This will be fun, cousin!
I'm glad you brought that up, cousin Bart! I forgot to check relationships with our new team members. Turns out Jody is my 19th cousin.
Nice to meet you, cousin!

Jody and I are 12th cousins smiley and share 16 other relatives.

Welcome Jody!

Just getting up late night accidentally, but will get going here soon!

Hi Loretta! Nice to meet you,
One lesson learned on my first "thon". Don't pick a family to add with a common last name! I had a lot of family to add to my Johnson line. Each one seemed to have tons of possible existing profiles to go through! But I hit my goal of 50 so I'm happy.
+11 votes
I just wanted to take a minute to recognize the fantastic effort of this team. Many thanks to our top five kick butt team mates! We bested 4 other much larger teams.

I apologize that my effort wasn't what it has been in the past. There have been a few changes in my life, plus a 4 hour ER vet trip with my cat Saturday night. Nevermind that I'm beyond burned out with connect-a-thons! Number 4 out of our past 5 "thons". I sure hope they do a clean-a-thon in the Spring. I love those!

I really appreciate the tremendous effort on the part of Randy and LaMyra plus one of our newest cousins, Jody. I hope I see all of you back for the next one, whatever it may be. Have a fantastic Monday, cousins!!
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
Thanks Lori for captaining once again, and I hope your cat is on the mend.  And congratulations to all the cousins for their hard work!

And I totally agree about connect-a-thons. Isn't it just doing what most of us are already doing, adding new profiles?  I like doing complete multi-source profiles, so I stockpile a bunch of them to add during the thon. A clean-a-thon would be a nice change, and is always needed.
Thank you for your kind words, Jay. Sadly, my kitty Music is on his way out. Vet suspects cancer but I'm not going to put him thru more tests just to find out. He's stopped eating and at almost 16, I guess it's just his time to go.

Crossing my fingers for a Clean-a-thon come spring!!!

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