Death Record of LOIS O'DELL KERR - born Aug 8, 1921 in Illinois, died at age of 54 on June 24, 1976 in Marshall Co., Kentucky.
She is buried in the Unity Cemetery in Aurora, Marshall Co., Kentucky. If you will go to and type in her "memorial" number - 51635390 - you can see her "memorial" and a picture of her grave marker.
On the 1940 Sadurus, Champaign Co., Illinois Census is CHARLES M O'DELL, age 54, wife MRS. CHARLES O'DELL, age 51, and daughter, LOIS O'DELL, age 18.
Is this your LOIS O'DELL?
Please give as much information as you have on your family members, and we will be able to help you.
Sincerely, Melinda