February 2023 BioBuilders - People whose last name is the same as a coin or currency.

+19 votes

This month’s Bio Builders Challenge theme is People whose last name is the same as a coin or currency.

You are not limited to profiles on your Watchlist.

Thank you for your support.

Here's our checklist:

Data Section:

  • birth date/place
  • names of parents
  • marriage date/place and spouse name
  • names of children, if any
  • death date/place

Biography Section:

  • Written (full) sentences stating the facts above, adding inline sources to each fact.
  • Is the profile '''Genealogically Defined?'''
  • As a general rule biographies should be in your own words. Paraphrase and rewrite, don't copy/paste.
  • Baptism, burial, military, and other life events with inline sources.
  • Something to "humanize" the person, such as career or avocation with sources.
  • List of children with at least one pertinent fact.
  • Some list siblings. (I think this takes up real estate.)
  • Explanatory remarks, if needed (e.g. disputed persons information, Research Notes, whatever needs extra explaining).
  • Photos or pictures, background. Not a must, but nice (you need to own the copyright unless they are in the public domain).
  • Categories.
  • Connection to the Global Tree.
  • All duplicates merged or initiated.
  • Links to persons and events, perhaps from Wikipedia.
  • Historical context as related to the person's life.
  • Sources, Sources, Sources.

You can see some ideas on where to find some of this information on the Biography Builders space page.

Use "comments" below to ask questions.

NOTE: Biography Builders will not show on the tracker. Please add a list to your answer.

[edited to add link to challenge page]

in The Tree House by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (283k points)
edited by Bob Keniston
Have we ever done people who were born or died on a holiday? I've come across quite a few!

21 Answers

+17 votes

OK - a good opportunity to work on some orphans because I doubt I will find any on my watchlist for this one.

  1. Frank Nickel
  2. John Nickel
by Patricia Roche G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Patricia Roche
I selected a Nickel orphan and fell down a rabbit hole. All those connected family profiles need work so I'm getting sourcing for them done, instead of working on his biography.
+16 votes
It wasn't me who suggested this one!

Can you give some examples of what would qualify as a coin or currency surname?
by Fionnuala O'Connor G2G6 Mach 2 (27.5k points)

How about Penny, Pound, Cash .. if given names were included I'd suggest Buck wink

Here's a Wikipedia list of currently circulating currencies and many of the pages for individual currencies give the names of coins used in that currency. 

Some examples might be Penny, Shilling, Dollar, Pound, Franc, Rand.

Farthing, Sou, Rupiya (or Rūpiya), Quarter, Guinea, Sovereign, Dinar, Sterling, Won, Lire, Kopek, etc.

Edited to add - Mark, Florin, Crown
Great suggestions everyone... I found a Coyne on my watchlist, so if spelling variations count then I can do this family... otherwise I need to go adopt some orphans!
Variations might also include Penninghame, or Shillingsworth, etc.
Also don't forget non-English spelling of names (Schilling/Schillings).

Nope it was me I found a couple Money's last month and thought it would make a great challenge.enlightened 

Thanks for that Janet, it is a challenging challenge for me but I will find something and it will be fun as always!!  smiley

I don't do these challenges, but cannot help wondering if names such as "Miss Moneypenny" would qualify? 

Forgot to delete that part of the post. Schilling for one.
I have some Sterlings and /or Stirlings in my line which I have not been able to pin down. The alternate spelling in the same family. Stirling-1756 Sterling-1616

I found it too hard to track or to even list the siblings, not knowing which way to go.
There's 75 people with surname of Cashdollar in WT.
+17 votes

I don't think I'll find any in my own watch list, so will look out for any I come across whilst doing unsourced profiles.

Can we count spelling variations such as Penney? Or variation of Nickel?

Mary Ann Fagg nee Penny

by Michelle Wilkes G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
edited by Michelle Wilkes
+17 votes
I can contribute to this challenge ... as long as spelling variations are acceptable  ... I have some Penneys on my watchlist:




by Donna Henley G2G6 Mach 3 (31.4k points)
edited by Donna Henley
Variations are totally acceptable as long as they sound the same.
+17 votes

Hope to get some done

1.  Anna Maria (Marks) Burg (1891 - 1974)

by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (310k points)
edited by Jennifer Robins
+14 votes
by Janet Wild G2G6 Pilot (357k points)
edited by Janet Wild
+15 votes
https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Wines-32 - one of her many married names was Nichols ie. nickles.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+14 votes

Hi I will take part this month

I found this profile in orphaned Pound surname Willie Pound

The profile was created in 2012 his Bio currently reads Willie Pound... but he at least has a wife and her family was filled out so I spent an hour or two researching her. Nancy McIntyre. If anyone has a couple of minutes to look at the research notes I've put on her profile I'd be grateful. I don't want to start Willie's biography until I'm sure I've got the facts right (and its a wee bit complicated). 


by Gillian Adam G2G6 Mach 1 (11.5k points)
+16 votes
Here is a few options in German in random order: Mark, Pfennig, Taler, Schilling, Groschen, Gulden, Denar, Kreuzer, Heller, Kopeke or Kopeken. I am sure there is more…
by Sven Elbert G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
+15 votes
by Fionnuala O'Connor G2G6 Mach 2 (27.5k points)
edited by Fionnuala O'Connor
+15 votes
by Joyce Rivette G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
edited by Joyce Rivette
I think so, it's a coin.
+14 votes

I didn't know the Rand was a type of currency, but I have a lot in my watchlist.

  1. Elizabeth (Rand) Follett
  2. James K Rand
  3. Louisa (Shaw) Rand
  4. Unnamed Infant Rand
  5. Marietta (Bunker) Rand
  6. Ephraim Rand
by Culley Schweger Bell G2G6 Pilot (102k points)
edited by Culley Schweger Bell
+14 votes

My grandmother's maiden name was Nickell and she had 11 siblings, so I can work for a long time on this challenge!


I especially need to work on the Biography section.

by Reta McCollum G2G6 Mach 2 (21.6k points)
+12 votes

I'll join this month, since I found one family I can work on.

  1. Norine Crawford Schilling
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (802k points)
+12 votes

This one was hard to research due to the early date, I still can't find his parents, but will put it up anyway.

1. Hammond Shilling

2. Anne Shilling

3. Margaret Helsdon Shilling Hubberd

4. Mary Ore

5, Gabriel Ore

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (162k points)
edited by Christine Frost
+11 votes
Hi, I'd like to join the bio builders as it's kind of what I do anyways... I do like some "flesh on the bones" of a bio.

For the Feb 2023 challenge I have a Colonel Oliver "Cash" Dick (Dick-5573). Would his sister, Golda "Goldie" Hazel Dick (Dick-5574) also count?
by Annemarie Hanlon G2G1 (1.6k points)
I’m sorry Annemarie, but nicknames don’t count. Also, you aren’t limited to your Watchlist.
+10 votes

I found a couple of orphaned Farthings from a 2011 gedcom that appear to have been lost down the back of the Wikitree sofa ever since: 

  1. Robert Farthing 1828-1911
  2. William Farthing 1858-1859 (Robert's son)
  3. Jane Farthing 1834-1862 (Robert's sister)
  4. William Henry Farthing 1859-1921 (her son)
by L Parr G2G6 Mach 4 (47.8k points)
+9 votes
I think that includes me, Nichols pronounced Nickels
by Patrick Nichols G2G Crew (470 points)

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