2023 WikiTree Challenge 4: The week has ended to research for Freedman Bureau Friday/Descendants of Enslaved Communities [closed]

+52 votes

Hello WikiTreers!

Please join us for the current WikiTree Challenge. For each challenge, we partner with another group in the worldwide genealogy community. Together we research seven degrees of connections for seven starting people chosen by our partner.

For challenge #4 our partner was Freedmen Bureau Friday, a group associated with the Descendants of Enslaved Communities at the University of Virginia (DEC-UVA) and led by Dr. Shelley Murphy, lead Descendant Project Researcher at the University of Virginia. Their mission is to research and honor the legacies of enslaved and free Black communities and assist their descendants in the Virginia area. Dr. Shelley's group meets weekly to work on developing family trees, primarily with the Freedman's Bureau records.

Our week began Thursday, February 16th, at noon EST (5pm UTC) and ended February 23rd, at noon EST. You didn't need any particular skills to participate, so everyone was welcome to join us. If you did happen to have any experience with records for enslaved ancestors, then your experience was especially valuable for this one. 

We love to show our friends what genealogy collaboration can accomplish! 

This week has now ended. Please watch the G2G forum for the Highlights post. Any comments added to the top now will be hidden once read.

closed with the note: Thank you for participating! See you for the next challenge.
in The Tree House by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
closed by Mindy Silva

122 Answers

+10 votes

Ellen Barrett

Connection Bounty: Connection bounty claimed!!

Brick Wall AncestorEllen (Barrett) Cornett

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Mindy Silva
I have found a Jeff Barrett listed at FamilySearch as a Pvt in the 118 U>S> Col'd Infantry on the Union Side.  It appears that he enlisted in Troup Co, GA.  The record is not available; but the info comes from www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FSVQ-Q2N.  Fold3, which I do not subscribe to, also lists him as a Pvt. in Company D as having enlisted in 1864, being 19 years old, and being discharged as a Pvt.  It appeared there may be 18 pages.  I hope someone can review these documents, because he may be related to Ellen Barrett. Thanks!
Thanks Elizabeth! We'll take a look.
The Jeff Barrett listed with the 118th US Colored Infantry was born in Covington, Kentucky. He was a musician - a drummer.
Thank you for checking.  I've spent a little time looking at Barretts in Troup Co, GA, which became a county in 1826 after Creek Indian removal; and in Covington, Kenton Co, KY, but have not found useful info so far.

the connection of Ellen was a team effort. I noted the potential connection, Emma found/noted the final piece of evidence we needed, and Kate did the merge.




(see comments at bottom of the profile)

Congrats - and thank you Emma, S, and Kate!
Bravo!  This is very helpful.   Liz
+10 votes

Miles C. Haney

Connection Bounty:

Brick Wall AncestorMiles C. Haney

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Mindy Silva
+11 votes

Dolly (Epps) Burn

Connection Bounty:

Brick Wall AncestorJanie (Spence) Brown Solved!!

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Mindy Silva

trees at Ancestry show Spence as a married name to a Unknown Spence (marriage would be after 1900 and ends before 1903), and Ancestry trees say she is a daughter of Fannie Gray, who ends up marrying Calvin May. however Fannie has 3-4 children before that marriage (Janie being one), with a potential Abe Adams. in the 1880 these children are with their mother and maternal grandparents with the last name of Gray. in 1900, Janie (if it is actually this Janie) is using her stepfather’s name of May. It is clear as mud and no guarantee it is the same person thru all of this.

potential mother https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LBF3-VFQ

there are two Janie’s attached to Wash Brown at familysearch. one pre marriage and unsure if it is truly her (and not sure what the lnab should be), and one with the last name Spence with all records after marriage to Wash Brown.

Hmm, sounds convoluted S! Have you had anyone in Discord take a look?
+10 votes

Alice Moorman

Connection Bounty: Bounty claimed on this line!!

Brick Wall AncestorLilla Burch

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Mindy Silva
I added a link to the main tree for the Moorman line by linking existing son Patterson-20316 to new mother profile Ellis-28187
Nice work Donna!!
+10 votes

Ned Mason

Connection Bounty:

Brick Wall AncestorAnnie Marie (Watson) Henley

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Mindy Silva

Moving this comment here:

I am connecting https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jackson-54550 to her father https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jackson-48965 who has been on WT since 2022 based on the research note I have put on her profile
+10 votes

Turner Robert Malone

Connection Bounty:

Brick Wall Ancestor: Sherman Fielder Solved!!

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Mindy Silva
I think I have the parents of Sherman Fielder https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Fielder-1076 documented on his profile now.
That looks good Ambar! Thanks for the detailed research notes!!
+10 votes

Louis McGill

Connection Bounty: Bounty claimed on this line!!

Brick Wall AncestorFrancis White

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
edited by Mindy Silva
I connected Worsley-953 to existing Worsley-891.
Congratulations, and thank you Charles! I've awarded your bounty points.
+25 votes
Count me in!
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (150k points)

Great, Kate! Welcome to the challenge. I hope you can join us in Discord for chat during the challenge week.

I'm sure I will be there, with most of the USBH team! :)
Hi Kate! I'm going to be there with ya!

Becky Elizabeth
+27 votes
I’m so excited for this! I’m captaining the week, I’m delighted to work together with y’all!
by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (236k points)
Congratulations on becoming a Captain, Eileen - you are going to love it. I hope you have a very successful week!

I'm not the captain, Cheryl. Elaine is the captain. Our names are similar. wink

Ohhh - I am so sorry - well I am glad that you are joining us anyway.
+21 votes
Count me in, too.
by Karen Stewart G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
Thanks for joining us again, Karen.
+21 votes
Yes, I would like to contribute!
by Patty LaPlante G2G6 Pilot (203k points)

Hi Patty - Thank you for joining us. I hope you can join us in Discord for chat during the challenge week.

+21 votes
sign me up
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
Hey Tommy, thanks for joining us for another week.
+22 votes
i will help
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (281k points)
Great to have you back again, S.
Our connecting hero!!
+23 votes
Try and keep me out! ;)
by Ambar Díaz G2G6 Mach 4 (43.4k points)
I love your attitude, Ambar!
I guess you are hooked - Great to have you for another week, Ambar.
+21 votes
I love working in the Freedmen's Bureau documents! Count me in!
by Carole Bannes G2G6 Mach 5 (57.0k points)

Carole,  so wonderful to have you with us. I hope you can join us in Discord for chat during the challenge week.

+21 votes
Count me in, please!
by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 8 (82.3k points)

Amy, thanks for joining us. I hope you can join us in Discord for chat during the challenge week.

+20 votes
I'll be happy to work on this week's challenge!
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (968k points)
Hi Lucy - glad to have you back for another week.
+22 votes
Sign me up, please!
by Suzanne Dyck G2G6 Mach 2 (27.5k points)

Hi Suzanne. Thank you for registering for next week's challenge. I hope you will be able to join us on Discord for chat during the challenge week.  Good luck.

+20 votes

Squeeeee!! I am so excited about this. I'll be taking that week off so we can rock their worldheart

by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Fantastic, Emma!  I'm so excited about this challenge, too!  I have to work, but will be putting in as much time as I can.  <3
Dear Emma,

    I am sorry that I will not be able to participate in the Freedman's Bureau research week. I will be away on a sailboat with no internet! I bet you guys will find a lot of great information.  Enjoy. -NGP
We are excited to have you and your project Emma!
Thanks for registering for another great challenge week, Emma.
Hey Nanette- that sounds fabulous. Be safe and have fun! Happy sailing!
+18 votes
I'll so some too.
by Carolyn Martin G2G6 Pilot (308k points)

Carolyn, that is great - Thanks for registering. I hope you will be able to join us on Discord during the challenge week to chat with other team members.

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