WHO was the George Wallace who got married in the kirk in St Fergus IN 1852 and Who were his parents ?

+7 votes
A  George Wallace,  came to Canada in 1852 where by all accounts he lived the life of a normal hard-working immigrant farmer.  He raised 13  children in Reach Twp., Ontario  before  his death in 1905.    Before coming to Canada he married a house servant , Margaret Gordon, on April 21, 1852 in the church in  parish church in Fergus, Aberdeenshire Scotland,    

 This  George Wallace may have been the George Wallace  shown in Wiki Tree  and Family Search as having been born on Dec 6,  1826. If so, his parents were likely George Wallace born in Old Deer,  Aberdeenshire in 1800 (FS. G3R8-SMK). and Christian Alexander born in (1794) (G3RB- 96N).

No birth or baptismal certificates have ever been found to support the birth date or name of the parents however and there is another possible candidate.  This is the George Wallace shown in the Ancestry Family Tree for George Wallace and Margaret Gordon as having been born on March 14 1825 and baptized on April 3, 1825. The parents for this George are Robert Wallace (dob 1802) and Jean Dargie ((dob 1803)

Sources supporting this George as being the George who married Margaret Gordon and Came to Canada in 1852 are;

     Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950 [database on-               

     line] Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.

      Source citation:Name George Wallace

      Gender: Male

      Baptism Date: 1 Apr 1825

      Baptism Place: Saint Fergus,Banff,Scotland

      Father: Robert Wallace

      Mother: Jean Dargie

      FHL Film Number: 991132

THE QUESTION REMAINS:  Which George got married in the kirk in St. Fergus in. April 1852 and came out to Canada in the same year?
WikiTree profile: George Wallace
in Genealogy Help by Doug Wallace G2G Crew (340 points)
edited by Azure Robinson

This profile is part of new Challenge

There are 2 families of George and Margaret Wallace, born in Scotland and moved to Canada. The 1901 Canada census states that George was born Dec 7 1926. 

Only one Birth / Baptismal Source was found in Peterhead in 1822 and the father was Alexander.  Unfortunately, the Canadian Census only state that he was born in Scotland. 

There is an 1841 Scotland Census with George, age 15, with siblings and mother Mary, age 50. George was listed as born in Aberdeen West and is listed as Flax Dresser, which is occupation listed for 1851 Census for George, who was listed as born in Fettercairn, Kincardineshire. That census was also before they married so it was a different family 'probably' 

There is an Ancestry Tree that has George Wallace 1826 - 1905 with parents John Wallace and Mary Ellen White. Of course no sources for those parents. 

I added 2 more 1871 census to the Research Notes in that George Wallace profile to show that there were at least 2 other George and Margaret Wallace, living in Ontario, but the other 2 George were born abt 1821 / 1822 in Scotland, not 1826

There is another profile for George, son of Robert and Jean, just to keep things separated

4 Answers

+4 votes
I have found a marriage record between George and Margaret Gordon on Free Reg. Location is Banffshire St Fergus 21 April 1852. Not the location as mentioned on the above profile.

I have also found 2 birth/baptism records, which would possibly marry these two Georges'

Not sure if this is any help
ps: would you like me to link the records from Free Reg?
All the best

by Megan Woodward G2G6 Mach 8 (85.9k points)
edited by Megan Woodward
+4 votes
The George Wallace who married Margaret Gordon in St Fergus (near Peterhead) in 1852 was already living in St Fergus in 1851 and in 1841. I purchased those two census records from Scotlands People. He was only 15 in 1841 and living with his parents Robert and Jane (or Jean).
by Maria Castro G2G6 Mach 1 (12.1k points)
+4 votes
PS: Banffshire is correct - at the time St Fergus was in Banffshire. It was later reallocated to Aberdeenshire.
by Maria Castro G2G6 Mach 1 (12.1k points)
+4 votes

I agree that the 1851 census we have for George (age 24, farm labourer in St Fergus) is correct. The age and occupation match well with our George, and if you take a look at the names of the other servants at this address you will see a Margaret Gordon, age 17, house servant (maybe this is how the two of them met?) So George was born in New Deer according to this census.

So to be clear, is the only reason George is attached to the current parents (George Wallace & Christian Alexander) because they married in Old Deer a few years before George was born? And because the father's name is George? This couple unfortunately isn't found in the 1841 census and I can't find any baptism records for their children.

The George Wallace, son of Robert and Jean Dargie, is another possibility as Maria mentioned. On the plus side, we know they had a son George the right age to be our George and he was still living in 1841, and his father was a farmer who lived in St Fergus in 1851 (our George was a servant in St Fergus in 1851). But on the other hand, this George was born in St Fergus not New Deer.

Also, I created a separate profile for the George Wallace born 1822 in Peterhead, occupation printer. I think we can safely say this is not our George, since his occupation is so different than the farm servant occupation in the marriage record, and because he has a different 1851 census entry than the one mentioned earlier in my comment.

Added note: George, son of Robert and Jean Dargie, was born in Apr 1825 and the 1901 Canada census gives our George's date of birth as 7 Dec 1826. But, it is very common for the birth dates in the census to be inaccurate.

by Valerie Penner G2G6 Mach 8 (89.4k points)
edited by Valerie Penner

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