Geographic origin needs sorting out for this man, in France

+9 votes

Charles Badié / Badier dit Laforest shows up in the colony in 1666, his confirmation record lists him as from Mortagne (image on Perche-Québec site, linked).

His marriage contract names his parents, and says this exactly:  fils de Pierre Badier, marchand demeurant à Mortagne, pays du Perche, paroisse de St-Nicolas, évêché de Chartres. (linked on profile, nice handwriting)

PRDH, PREFEN and PERCHE-Québec all put him in Mortagne, évêché de Séez.  They also state he died outside the colony, but I found evidence to the contrary.  The point they make is that Mortagne au Perche had no parish named St-Nicolas.  I am thinking that he might have been from a parish in Chartres diocese named St-Nicolas, and his father became a merchant in Mortagne and that was his provenance.  Marriage record repeats the data from the contract (image on profile).

Needs some clarification and possibly some more family, as right now he and his wife, child and respective parents are a loose family group.  His wife (Fille du Roy) and child appear to have left the colony, most likely in 1672, to go back to France, as no further trace of them is found here.

WikiTree profile: Charles Badier dit Laforest
in Genealogy Help by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (762k points)

2 Answers

+8 votes

Hi, here are some possible leads:

- There is a Saint-Nicolas-des-Bois in the diocèse Séez (near Alençon) but it is 47km away from Mortagne

- This book mentions an "église Saint-Nicolas de Chartres" but I can't seem to find any mentions of it anywhere else

- The Chartres Cathedral itself has an important stained glass piece representing Saint Nicolas, and the chapel it belongs to was once refered to as the Saint Nicolas chapel (I don't think a chapel in a cathedral would have its own parish though...)

- Brezolles, diocèse de Chartres, has a Saint-Nicolas church ; it's 50km away from Mortagne

by Léa Haupaix G2G6 Pilot (105k points)

hmm, Églises Saint-André et Saint-Nicolas de Chartres:  ... l'église voisine de St-Nicolas, qui servait de baptistère, détruite en 1756/1758.  Reste à savoir ce qui serait arrivé des registres de cette église. 

Saint-Nicolas de Brezolles, dont la paroisse est maintenant dédiée au Bienheureux-François-de-Laval.  mdr, c'était notre premier évêque.

Des possibilités, mais faudrait accéder aux registres pour voir s'il y a trace de cette famille là.  Pas évident, travail de longue haleine.  La chapelle de la cathédrale n'aurait pas eu de paroisse en effet, on peut l'oublier.

+7 votes

One possibility is La Ferté-Vidame: it is not far from Mortagne, and was part of the diocese of Chartres. The parish is named Saint-Nicolas. It has a link with New France: the city of Saint-Nicolas near Québec (now part of Lévis) was named after it. It is the place of origin of Claude de Bermen de la Martinière, who was about the same age as Charles Badier.

There is one Geneviève Badier who married Jean Baptiste Daugé in Paris Saint-Sulpice on 11 Jan 1701. She could be his daughter. The record has been destroyed, but there is a contract on 21 Dec 1700: it is indexed, you have to visit CARAN in Paris to view it.

by Julien Cassaigne G2G6 Mach 7 (76.1k points)

hmm, intéressant, suis allée voir les registres de la Ferté-Vidame, suis tombée sur le baptême d'un frère de Claude de Bermen.  laugh  Années 1621-1638, baptêmes, ai fait 21 pages de 48, sont assez lisibles.  On ne connaît pas en fait l'âge de Charles Badier / Badié, c'est une estimation totale, alors j'ai pris une chance.  Assez beaux registres, mais il y a des lacunes entre les sections offertes.  Mes yeux ne veulent plus ce soir.

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