Duplicate warning for kit on gedmatch.

+6 votes
I have total 2 kits, 1 each for my parents. My mother’s has the warning. Where do I look to see the second kit? I only see the 2 different kids that are supposed to be there, 1 for Dad, 1 for Mom.
in Genealogy Help by Debra Arnold G2G Crew (310 points)

Hi, Debra, and welcome to WikiTree! There are a couple of places GEDmatch might display a notice of "possible duplicate" or "likely duplicate," but from your post I can't tell where you're getting the warning.

If you can describe exactly when/where you see the warning and the way it's worded, I'm sure someone here can help.

Meanwhile, if you want to send me via a private message from my WikiTree profile all three kit numbers that you mentioned, I'll be happy to take a look and see if I can find out what's going on. That said, if you see the warning only on your account dashboard, a third-party like me might not be able to discover the purported duplicate kit. Worth a shot, though. smiley

I thought maybe seeing it?


And bottom portion 


I’m highly now suspect the kit was set with the wrong person as the point person on the tree. Somehow when point person was changed it created a duplicate with the correct point person. That is the only thing done manually I can see on log. I can’t see that’s what happened but I bet it is.

Of course I don’t know now, do I delete the kit then re-upload again with correct point person?

Debra, you may want to wait for additional input from others because I think correction will require a kit deletion. From what I can decipher it looks like, last January 14, both kits were created, but your father's was uploaded first, about four minutes before the second kit was created. When your mother's data was uploaded, the file from Ancestry DNA that was used was actually the same raw data file as for your father. I don't think it has anything to do with the GEDCOM information or who is set as point person(s), but that the two sets of raw data are identical though designated as being different people.

I can tell the data uploaded for your mother is incorrect because I can see that the tokenized markers include almost 900 that are in the nonrecombining area of the Y chromosome.

Assuming you have both sets of raw data, the only recourse may be to click on the yellow pencil icon next to your mother's kit number on your GEDmatch dashboard. On the subsequent screen, the second tab near the top will be titled, "Kit Removal." Select that, enter your password to confirm that you control the kit, and then click "Delete."

Note: That step is irreversible. So be absolutely certain you're ready to do it.

Probably not necessary, but I would wait a day after the deletion before uploading the correct data file, just to give GEDmatch a chance to go through nightly processing and clear any lingering data cache. Then you'll upload your mother's data via the usual method, which will create a new kit number for her.

If you aren't certain about whether or not the raw data files are labeled correctly, you can always download them again from AncestryDNA. If you'd prefer me to look at the files you have on hand, you can send me a private message and let me know your email address. I'll then send you link where you can upload them securely--they'll be automatically encrypted--and I'll have a look. I can confirm which set of data is male and which is female, and I can make certain that the files are intact and not corrupted.

Downloading a fresh set of data from Ancestry will probably be the best (and fastest) route but, hey, I'm happy to help a new member if I can. laugh

Nicely done Edison.  That's what we are all about at WT; helping out where we can!

Again, thanks for stepping up!

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