Germany's Connectors Challenge February 2023: Authors

+17 votes

Hi all,

real life kicked in this time and so this challenge is a little bit later. This month I decided to feature some German authors.

Gerhart Hauptmann is a Nobel Laureate Connected! Thanks Manu, Peter and I also contributed a bit.

ETA Hofmann was a multitalent.

Claire Goll has Jewish roots and

Karl May is most known for his Winnetou-series.

Have fun!

in The Tree House by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
edited by Jelena Eckstädt

2 Answers

+9 votes

Looking at Gerhart Hauptman - I have Uber and Tham ancestors in Nieder Wolmsdorf and Kauder near Bolkenhain, which appears to be about 20km from Bad Salzbrunn where the WikiTree Profile says he was born.  But the Find-a-grave memorial puts his birthplace near Wroclaw.  Wikipedia breaks the tie, listing his birthplace as Bad Salzbrunn.

His web page is far more extensive than the English one (of course).  It tells us that his father was Robert Gerhard Hauptmann, his mother Maria Hauptmann nee Straehler.  He had three older siblings.  That German site also names 3 sons from the first wife and one son from the second, and a granddaughter who has a page as well.  Maybe there are connections through his mother or those five descendants.

I keep editing this as I read more.  This granddaughter, Anja Hauptmann (born 1943, still living), is also the granddaughter of conductor Max von Schillings -- another definite Notable.  But no help there--apparently, he has no WikiTree profile yet.  He's not the kind of person I'd care to honor--a very ardent anti-Semite--but an obvious notable nonetheless.

As far as Ancestors in Silesia, I have few useful resources in the area to help find a connection.  If any Ubers or Thams show up in his ancestry, maybe we can give it a shot.


Long edit added a few hours later:

One connection of Gerhart Hauptman to WikiTree's global tree begins with Pietro Antonio Brentano.  (I'm 26 degrees from him which means he is connected to the global Tree.  It's a cool connection.  It goes through Cozima Liszt Wagner, daughter of famed composer Franz Liszt and wife of famed composer Richard Wagner.)

The children of Pietro's first wife are not entered in his WikiTree profile.  See the Frankfurt line of Brentanos on this German Wikipedia Page.  Look for great-granddaughter Johanna (1839-1885).  She is Johanna Antonia Brentano, who married Carl Xavier Hubert Schillings (1821-1896) and is the mother of Max von Schillings.

Max had an illegitimate daughter (I assume) named Barbara Schneggenburger.  See Anja Hauptman's Wikipedia Page for the source of this information.  Barbara is Anja's mother, wife of Benvenuto Hauptman, who was Gerhart Hauptman's son by his second wife.

If I find time, I'll add all those profiles, but I have a lot on my to-do list.

By the way, note that Pietro Antonio Brentano is a notable profile that has no profile manager.  He could use some love.  None of his ancestors are listed on WikiTree and they go back to ca. 1330 (see the above linked Wikipedia page on the Brentano family).

by Peter Wetzel G2G6 Mach 1 (19.9k points)
edited by Peter Wetzel

In Max von Schilling's entry of the Deutsche Biographie, the wife of Benvenuto Hauptmann is identified as "stepdaughter Annalise N.N.". So now we have to find proof that Annalise NN is actually Annalise Barbara Schneggenburger.

Annalise N.N. is a step-daughter of Max von Schilling.  But perhaps Barbara Schneggenburger is a different person.

According to Anja Hauptman's German Wikipedia Page, Benvenuto Hauptman had four wives.  Anja's mother is said to be the fourth.  Perhaps the Annalise N.N. who married Benvenuto is a different wife?

This Geni profile of Benvenuto Hauptmann lists his three ex wives, including Annaliese (with two 'e's), who is named the mother of Anja's half brother Arne.  Current wife Barbara is listed as a half-sister of Annalise (only the last 'e') Schneggenburger.

Geni is not a supportable source, but the information there produces no conflict with the Deutsche Biographie or the Wikipedia sources.

One wife of Benvenuto Hauptmann is Elisabeth zu Schaumburg-Lippe.

Her father has already a profile on Wikitree  Georg von Schaumburg-Lippe

I have not found any better sources to prove their marriage, Is this sufficient to connect them?

This would be an excellent connection, and it's always good to have more than one.  The Geni profiles have no sources to confirm the marriage, but it seems likely that there are other genealogists who have Benvenuto's profile in their family trees.

The German Wikipedia-entry of Georg zu Schaumburg-Lippe mentions the marriage of Elisabeth and Benvenuto. I already often created profiles based on Wikipedia-entries. They are better than nothing and give a hint where to look further. Also a Spiegel-article from 1960 mentions the marriage to "a princess of Schaumburg-Lippe". In the Archive of Lower Saxony in Bückeburg, there is an entry about a picture from their wedding in 1928. I think there is enough evidence to create profiles and connect them to their parents.

I connected them.
Excellent work.  I love it!
Just checked and found that my kids are 15th cousins of Elisabeth, and Connection finder gave me a connection through Princess Victoria Hohenzollern, daughter of Friedrich III, the very short-reigning Kaiser, whose throat cancer may have been one of the worst examples of bad luck Germany has ever seen (I'm biased), giving rise to the early ascendancy of Wilhelm II, who was a pretty unstable guy (sorry for my opinionated point of view) ...

Anyhow, I did a Relationship finder check of my kids with Friedrich III and found that indeed my kids are 15th cousins.  I think I'd checked this before and found no such direct connection, but it's there now.  Thanks for (indirectly) steering me to this little discovery!

*Wilhelm II has a very odd sentimental place in my heart because my great Grandmother lived at Zimmerstrasse 7 Potsdam, within sight of the Neu Palace, probably worked as a servant, and had one illegitimate child, my grandfather before disappearing off the face of the earth.  We can't find a trace of her after that.  I always suspected there was some connection to the royal family the circle of high-stationed aristocrats in the area.  Can prove nothing, of course, but my grandfather was born in 1886 at a time when Wilhelm II was in and out of that area regularly.
+11 votes

Karl May: His first wife's grandfather Christian Gotthilf Pollmer (geni) has roots in Königswalde, just like our three connected Pollmers. Christian Gotthilf's 2x great grandfather Christoph Pollmer (geni) is a brother of our Georg Pollmer

Christoph's geni profile lists even sources, but I can't find those microfilms stated there.

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (252k points)
edited by Florian Straub

Sources for Saxony are still hard to find online.

I´ll work on Richard Plöhn, the first husband of his second wife Karla Beibler. Danzig again... Not sure whether it will get me somewhere but with each challenge I am learning more about Danzig :-)

I received an article from the magazine "Mitteldeutsche Familienkunde" from 1972 about his ancestors. I've sent it to you, Manu. If anybody else wants it, just tell me.

I didn't make it, but I will put him on my Thon list, so one day it might actually happen ...

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