I can't use copy and paste in the compose box when composing a post to G2G

+5 votes
Is there something I'm missing?

I work with German and Polish names that have non-English characters, and have no way to insert them here as I write a post in this compose box.
in WikiTree Tech by Peter Wetzel G2G6 Mach 1 (20.0k points)

Hi Peter. Some details may help. What kind of computer, tablet or phone are you using? What operating system? What browser?

Does it make any difference if you expand the G2G edit window using the icon that looks like arrows pointing four ways?

Problems pasting into G2G on some phones have been reported in the past.

1 Answer

+8 votes
Groß Potrems,

OKAY.  I found another post that told me about control-C and Control-V.  That works.

There is also no way, that I know of, to delete a stupid question once it is posted.  Is there?  Or I'd delete this one.  No relevant answer came up when I typed the question into the 'ask a question' box, so I posted this, only to find that the question had indeed been asked and answered long ago,
by Peter Wetzel G2G6 Mach 1 (20.0k points)
There are no stupid questions :-) You can close the question if you wish, or more drastically you can hide it. But leaving it visible may help other people with similar issues in future.
Thank you, Jim, for the quick response.  I'll leave it up and let it serve as another source of the answer.
Great, thank you Peter!

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