The profile of Michel Bourgeois is managed by the Acadians Project because his parents were Acadians and were married in Acadie before 1763.
The Project manages all profiles for Acadians who lived in Acadie/Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Isle St. Jean (now Prince Edward Island), and Isle Royale (now Cape Breton) at any time prior to the end of 1763, and any children born to Acadian couples who were married in Acadia through 1763. All the children of these families will receive the Project Box regardless of where they were born. "Acadians" are those who came directly from France and their descendants. Military coming from France or Quebec to work are outside the project parameters but their Acadian born spouses and children are included.
More information about the guidelines for inclusion in the project can be found here.
L'Acadie, in Québec, is a place where many Acadians finally found a permanent home upon return from exile.