Cannot add grandfather

+5 votes
I am a new member, and so far I have added profiles for myself and my two deceased parents.  My grandfather already has a Wikitree profile, but I cannot link to it, since I am not on the Trusted List.  But grandfather's profile currently has no profile manager.  And I don't have 100 edits yet.  What do I do now?
in The Tree House by Steven Wilson G2G2 (2.1k points)
This is an adventure, relax. Take it as it comes. 100 edits will come very quickly, or, you have totally lost interest. I would caution you to not get ahead of yourself. My guess is, if your grandfather is already there, several others are as well. The majority of my ancestors' profiles are manage by someone else,. That gives me time to find the next one. You will be able to adopt your grandfather soon enough. Only on Wikitree can a comment like that fly!

1 Answer

+5 votes

Welcome to WikiTree, Steve.

When you sign the Honor Code you should be able to add the connection to your grandfather.

by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I have signed the Honor Code.  That is not enough.  I cannot attach my father to my grandfather because I am not on the Trusted List for my grandfather.  But my grandfather's profile has no profile manager, so I cannot ask anyone to be placed on the list.  And I don't have 100 edits yet, so I cannot adopt an orphan.

Steven is right. The requirement for having 100 contributions before you can adopt an orphaned profile is described at this link.

However, you should still be able to make the link, unless there is some other contribution limit I have forgotten. What happens when you try? If there is an error message, can you please copy and paste its exact text into a comment here?

My mistake.  I had read through the Honor Code before, but apparently when I pressed the button it didn't register.  So I went back and tried again, and this time it took.
Yea! I'm glad it's solved, Steven. Good luck making enough further contributions to allow you to adopt your grandfather's profile.
If it is a relative that is that close, send an email to Admin, explaining the situation and profile ID and they can link it for you.

Send to info @ wikitree .com  of course, leaving out the spaces.

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