Lodge membership was very important to my dad, as it is to many men. Through the lodge, my dad kept up with his cousins and other lifelong friends. Such group categories can be important to someone doing contextual or cluster genealogy, which sometimes can be the only way to realize you've collected and conflated documents for more than one person who lived in a similar time and place. Ask who were this person's Friends, Associates, and Neighbors. For example, My great grandmother, Agnes (Dolloff) Reed had one of these dopplegangers and I didn't realize this until I noticed I had been collecting clippings from the local newspaper which described Mrs. Agnes Reed's involvement in the Local branch of the Ancient Order of Hibernians....my great grandmother was a Baptist! Freemasons in particular, issue lodge cards and records that document a member's location, birth, death, and occupation. Wikitree having categories for specific worship communities and fraternal organizations offers a quick way to investigate who was likely among our ancestors' friends and associates. That provides a fuller understanding of our ancestors- and you might find your ancestor in a group photo you didn't know existed!