William Currey, Australian Victoria Cross recipient, has an improved bio and is connected

+16 votes
William Currey, an Australian Victoria Cross recipient from the First World War and New South Wales parliamentarian, now has an vastly improved bio.  His connection, through a son-in-law's grandfather, will display tomorrow.  What has really excited me in working his profile, is that it is now the most comprehensive online biography of the gallant man and many errors have been corrected.  Most of the bios I have seen have merely copied each other word-for-word and have thereby repeated false details, some of which were correctible just by looking at them.  I have posted this comment, not to boost my ego but to encourage fellow WT members to persevere in connecting profiles (regardless of how many profiles need to be corrected) and to write biographies that are THE benchmark for future researchers.  All the best with your fun on WikiTree.
WikiTree profile: William Currey
in The Tree House by Kenneth Evans G2G6 Pilot (280k points)
Excellent work! Thank you so much Ken. A very interesting biography which honours William's life and his valour in battle during World War 1.
Thanks, Gillian.  Our veterans are so worthy of honours such as first class bios and profiles.
Wonderful profile. As always a great tribute to the man and an interesting read. Thanks Ken.

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
This is a superb profile, well worth sharing as an encouragement to others to spend a little time getting to know each individual as we write them up.
by Valerie Willis G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
selected by Kenneth Evans
Thank you so much, Valerie.  I get so much personal satisfaction knowing that I've honoured someone, especially veterans, and that one day maybe their descendants will pick up the profile and be blessed. Regards, Ken
I write military profiles too, not so full as yours, but I try to find the action or reason behind the death of each person on the particular war memorial I am working through at the time. Something that descendants might be interested to find if looking for that person on the internet.
Good point, Valerie. All the best with your work.
+4 votes

What a terrific profile on a great Aussie soldier. You always do such a great job on the bios.

If you're ever running short of Aussie soldiers to research, there are currently about a 1,000 in Australian Army, World War II many of which could use your bio building expertise. Many don't even have a category for their unit.  

by Margaret Haining G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
Thanks, Margaret.  That's a thought. I'll take a look.

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