I have adopted a number of profiles. Can i get them listed?

+5 votes
The adopted ones have also my family name. At the moment of adoption WT gave an overview of all of them. Now I need them also as a "working list" to maintain their profiles.

The watch list is not suitabele
in WikiTree Help by Peter van der Burg G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)
Hello Peter.

See if your contributions list helps.

(You can find "Contributions" in "My WikiTree" drop-down menu, upper right corner of the screen)
this is the suggestion that has worked best for me in the past. But from that point forward, I use Personal Maintenance Categories.
Thanks to all.

I have tried the suggestions. Unfortunately with no results. I am not a computer freak nor expert. I only want to service Wikitree to the best of my abilities.

As to my original problem: I still remembered the adoption dates and could find them on that basis in the watchlist.

It raises a more fundamental question: as the number of records keep mounting, integrety and maintenance will become an issue, especially for the generations after us. Is there a policy to develop tools and/or algorithms to guarantee this?


Peter: Try clicking this link instead, which simplifies things by avoiding the form and the "Get profiles" button.


You should rapidly see a table with seven results.

Software integrity and maintenance are discussed in this thread.

Thanks Jim,

I got the same list so that works!

The content however is strange to say the least. I adopted around 50 profiles which are not comprised in the list.

I also believe that some profiles were made by me originally.

Hi Rubén,

Yes they are in that list but all over the place.

Can I export the contribution list to excel? Then i can sort it out

kind regards,

This thread is about internationalisation of the user interface. Indeed a major issue from which i am suffering as well. Solving this would really be a major step towards an international genealogy tool.

But it is not about easy longterm maintenance and data integrity.

Hi Peter. To download as comma-separated values lines for Excel, try this:


It shows (at the time I looked) seven profiles of which you are manager but which you did not create. You either adopted these, or gained managership some other way, such as profile merging. The data was captured on 29 January, so may be out of date; more recent results will become available within a few hours from now.

The thread I referred you to starts off about internationalisation. But for software integrity, scroll down till you see the comment starting "I have complete confidence that the future of WikiTree's software is fine" by Jamie Nelson, a Team member, and read a few lines on from there.

For data integrity see


Looking at the Changes tab to see the history of each of those seven profiles confirms that they were created by other people.
Hi Peter.

I used a spreadsheet to get the list of the 136 profiles you adopted on 5 and 6 Feb. 2023.

I created (and orphaned) a Free-Space Profile with this listing:


You can adopt this Free-Space Profile. The names are sorted in the same order than they appear in your "Contributions" list.

I hope this may be of help.

Nice work, Rubén. What command or other approach did you use to get the data for the spreadsheet from the contributions list?

The WikiTree Plus link I gave is now showing 10 results, but the data for that still only goes up to some time on 5 February 2023.

thanks Jim.

I copied from the contributions list into the spreadsheet a full block of lines starting with the first line involving adoption action up to the last one.

Each line in the contributions list is recorded into the first cell of each line in the spreadsheet.

I deleted the (very few) lines that are not about adoption.

At this point, I had a column of 136 cells of the form "Peter van der Burg adopted the profile of " + (name of the adopted profile) + ". [Thank Peter for this]".

Then, I used functions of the spreadsheet to remove the characters strings at the beginnig and at the end of every cell. That way I got a column of cells containing only the names of the adopted profiles.
Thanks for the details, Rubén! That is a clever method, giving results up to the minute instead of potentially a week old as in the case of WikiTree Plus.

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Hi Peter. The following WikiTree Plus text search should list the profiles which you manage but did not create—in other words, which you have adopted. You need to click the "Get profiles" button. The results may be up to a week out of date.


There are no results at present. If you only adopted the profiles recently, try again after two or three days. If you adopted them more than a week ago, please let me know and I'll try to work out what is going wrong.

Edited to fix URL and comment on absence of results.

by Jim Richardson G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Oliver Stegen

Ok, I think there is a problem with the underscores in your WikiTree ID. The above URL should work but doesn't. Try this instead, using a numerical ID:


Edited to display long URL properly.

That link doesn't work either but it worked when I ran it.

That works, as did the link I gave, provided you use the numerical ID. This does not work:


It returns no results instead of 7. The bug has nothing to do with creator; it lies in the Manager=Van_der_Burg-25 part.

Yes, it does work, error on my part. The problem must be with the underscores as the format you used works fine with my own ID.

Right Stu. I said above it was the underscores, and that's what I reported to Aleš.

Hi Jim,

It said that i have to wait a couple of days first. Will try again.

Correct search query would be: 

Manager="Van der Burg-25" not CreatedBy=Creator_Van_der_Burg-25

In manager index I didn't use _ as a connector. I should probably correct that. But this week I am on vacations in Jordan. so remind me next week.
Thanks Aleš, will do. Enjoy Jordan!

Now both variations work


Manager="Van der Burg-25"

Hi Ales, I get about 15 profiles listed so it works.

I think i have to learn this wikitree+ query language first.

Here is the new help page with quite a few examples and I am adding new ones as I see good examples.

+2 votes
You can use your "scratchpad" on your Nav Home Page (under My WikiTree on the menu at top right of every WikiTree page) to list them or you can make a free space page (under Add on the same menu) and list them there.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Thanks for the quick reaction.

I found the scratch pad. But if i want to copy/paste my adoptees to the pad i first need them listed somewhere/somehow
+3 votes

Why does watchlist not work?

You can use WikiTree + to do a text search search for profiles with manager=Van_der_Burg-25 or creator_Van_der_Burg-25. https://plus.wikitree.com/default.htm?report=srch1&Query=Creator_Van_der_Burg-25&MaxProfiles=1000&Format=

You can export to a spreadsheet from WikiTree +. You can also analyze the results with BioCheck and export those results 

by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (654k points)

Manager=Van_der_Burg-25 does not work, but Manager=9145681 (the numerical ID) does. I've reported this apparent bug with underscores to Aleš.

Thanks Jim

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