Correcting suggestions in the WikiTree database is what Data Doctors do to improve profiles and the health of the one-world tree.
Aleš Trtnik, a WikiTree Team Member, designed WikiTree Plus, which examines WikiTree profiles and generates suggestions (errors, hints, or warnings) for data issues.
These suggestions are classified by topic groups and rated as Easy, Intermediate, and Advanced difficulty levels.
There is something to do for everyone. Would you like to help?
If you have been a WikiTree member for at least one month, signed the Honor Code, and have made at least 100 contributions, please join the Data Doctors Project and become a Data Doctor!
You can learn more here: Data Doctors Project.
If you are interested in joining us, please click on Answer this post below this post (do not comment).
When we see your Answer, we will send a questionnaire (the DDQ) for you to complete within one week, and if you need more time, reply to the private message. We collect demographics for project members and other information to help you start your Data Doctor practice. Once the questionnaire is completed and reviewed with you online, we can award your badge.
Once you receive your badge, we ask that you:
respond to project polls bi-annually, which is a WikiTree project requirement,
answer questions about the project sent periodically,
follow the project guidelines, and
let us know what suggestions you are interested in resolving.
We appreciate and thank you for your interest and look forward to working with you!
See the 2024 Join Post: Data Doctors Join 2024