Uncovering the Rich Heritage of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway

+9 votes
Embark on a journey through the annals of history and discover the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. Marvel at its trailblazing feat of constructing the first bridge across the mighty Mississippi River, only to have it met with a fateful end. It collapsing just 5 days later, after being struck by the steamboat Effie Afton. Delve into the story of a youthful lawyer, none other than the great Abraham Lincoln, who represented the railroad in the ensuing legal battle. Though the Rock Island may have vanished, its legacy lives on, leaving an indelible impression on American consciousness, inspiring songs, television programs, and even tales of a haunting Ghost Train.


I can hear that whistle blowing, it's not too late to climb aboard.
in The Tree House by Jimmy Honey G2G6 Pilot (217k points)

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