How do I break through Bronson brick wall?

+2 votes
I have tried for decades to find my lineage past my Great Great Grandpa Jesse Bronson

I dont know much except his nickname was Red and he disappeared during Indian wars under Custer. He's not on any military lists I can find and was from around Ohio Nebraska area. There's a Bronson group there in Bronson Ohio but they are Mormon and I don't think part of our family. Anyway, It's frustrating to get stuck so soon. Any help is appreciated.
WikiTree profile: Jesse Bronson
in Genealogy Help by William Bronson G2G Crew (680 points)
edited by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+5 votes
On Fold3 there is an index card for Jesse Bronson, a private then corporal in the 13th Ohio Cavalry in the Union Army during the civil war (no additional info). But your Jesse may have been too young if he was born in 1850.

On Ancestry there is a 1915 census record in Iowa for a Jesse Bronson born in Clinton, Ohio aged 67 - could explain why his son was names Clinton. But would not fit with him dissappearing in the Indian wars.
by Rob Pavey G2G6 Pilot (288k points)
Here is a newspaper clipping for his son's death.

Some more info on this Ancestry doc:

Name: Jesse Bronson
Enlistment Age: 20
Birth Date: abt 1844
Enlistment Date: 12 Aug 1864
Enlistment Rank: Private
Muster Date: 7 Oct 1864
Muster Place: Ohio
Muster Company: I
Muster Regiment: 13th Cavalry
Muster Regiment Type: Cavalry
Muster Information: Enlisted
Rank Change Rank: Corpl
Muster Out Date: 4 Jul 1865
Muster Out Place: Amelia Court House, Virginia
Muster Out Information: Mustered Out
Side of War: Union
Survived War?: Yes
Title: Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio
Rob that's very nice help for us. Thank you :)

It very well could be him and we had the birth date wrong. I would have to find his marriage record or something to align with his marriage to Hanna Mart. I can't open the census record to see if it shows any others but this is the best break we've had in a while. How would you recommend I proceed to try to find his birth info, parents, etc?
I don't think the census record is the right person. It seems to be for the Jesse Bronson or Brunson who had a wife Martha (West) and sons Claude L, Thomas, Sylvester M and George.

The record for the Cavalry enlistment sounds like it could be the Jesse Bronson that you are looking for though. If he fought with Custer he was probably in the cavalry.
It seems that there were at least two different Jesse Bronson's born in Ohio in that time frame.

One was born in aboit 1844 fought in the Ohio 13th Cavalry.

Once was born in about 1846 and fought in the 126th Infantry.

There is an 1860 census record for a Jesse Bronson aged 12 (born about 1848). But he is more likely to be the one that fought in the infantry.

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